Sunday 29 May 2016

29-5-2016 VILLALONGA RESERVOIR - GREY WAGTAIL (Motacilla cinerea)

Grey wagtails (Motacilla cinerea) are slender ground-feeding insectivorous birds of open country. They are always associated with running water when breeding, although they may use man-made structures near streams for the nest. Outside the breeding season, these birds may also be seen around lakes, coasts, and other watery habitats. Like other wagtails, they frequently wag their tail and fly low with undulations and they have a sharp call that is often given in flight.

The Grey wagtail has a narrow white supercilium and a broken eye ring. The upperparts are grey and the yellow vent contrasting with whitish underparts makes it distinctive. The breeding male has a black throat that is edged by whitish moustachial stripes. They forage singly or in pairs on meadows or on shallow water marshes. They also use rocks in water and will often perch on trees. They have a clear sharp call note and the song consists of trills.

Grey wagtails are widely distributed across the Palearctic region. They are found from western Europe including the British Isles, Scandinavia, and Mediterranean region, and to eastern Europe and northeastern and central parts of Asia. Some populations are migratory and winter in Africa and Asia. Grey wagtails inhabit mountain streams, lakes, and rivers with exposed rocks, canals, farmlands, tea plantations, and even urban areas.

Grey wagtails are active during the day and forage singly or in pairs on meadows or on shallow water marshes. They also use rocks in the water and will often perch on trees. In winter, Grey wagtails often forage along roadsides; when flushed they make a sharp 'chi-cheep' call and fly up further along the road but after some distance turn back to return to the original location. During the winter, these birds also often roost in small groups. They communicate with clear sharp call notes and their song consists of trills.

Grey wagtails are monogamous and form pairs. Their breeding season occurs from April to July. The male performs a display in which he makes short flights up into the air and descends slowly with fluttering flight accompanied by a rapid series of chipping high notes. Grey wagtails place their nests on the ground near fast running streams or rivers on an embankment between stones and roots. In Europe, their nests are often made in holes in manmade structures. The female lays a clutch of 3-6 speckled eggs; these birds may raise multiple broods with declining numbers in the clutch in subsequent broods. The incubation period is about 2 weeks done by both parents. The chicks fledge 2 weeks after hatching but their parents continue to feed them for 2-3 weeks more.

Grey wagtails are not considered globally threatened at present, however, populations in Europe are vulnerable to severe weather conditions.

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