Thursday 16 June 2016

16-6-2016 OLIVA CAMPO - EUROPEAN SERIN (FEMALE) (Serinus serinus)

The European Serin is a rare passage visitor to the UK, with pairs occasionally breeding in southern England and the Channel Islands. This small finch favours coniferous woodlands but will also make use of farmland, parks and gardens, with their loud abrasive song usually the first indication of their presence. They breed across the Middle East, and Central Europe, where they are partially migratory.

These stunning yellow finches are a very rare sight in the UK. Both males and females have streaky bright yellow and brown backs, wings and flanks and a forked tail. Their bellies are yellow/white in colour which becomes bright yellow on their breast. Males have bright yellow heads with black feathers on their crowns and cheeks, while females have slightly duller colouration on their heads. The bright yellow colouration of the males helps the females choose a mate as brighter plumage is an indicator of a healthy male.

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