Sunday 17 July 2016


The main geographic range of Orthetrum chysostigma (Epaulet Skimmer) lies in Africa, where it’s found in almost every country, and Arabia. Only recently it crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and is now rather common in southern Iberia. Since 2010 Epaulet Skimmers have also been found on the Maltese islands. Other European localities are limited to some eastern Aegean islands. On Turkish mainland, it’s a common and widespread species.

Habitat is mostly streams, but possibly also seeps, springs, headwaters, rivers and often temporary standing waters, in open (often rather dry) landscapes, but sometimes in open areas in forest. Probably found on calmer sections (like pools) with a soft (like muddy) bottom. From 0 to 2300 m above sea level, but possibly higher up.

Its behaviour is such that it Perches on stems, boulders or ground darts swiftly over water or grassy areas, frequently returning to the same perch, which may be a stem, a boulder or the ground.

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