Sunday 27 November 2016

28-11-2016 JURONG, SINGAPORE - TAVETA GOLDEN WEAVER (Ploceus castaneiceps)

The Taveta weaver (Ploceus castaneiceps ), also known as the Taveta golden weaver, is a species of bird in the weaver family, Ploceidae. It is found on the African savannah in Kenya and Tanzania. The name of the bird comes from the unique markings/coloration of the bird, as well as how these birds weave intricate nests.

The male Taveta weaver is a vibrant golden yellow color; this color is duller on its back. The wings and tail are a greener color, whereas brown spots are located on the chest. The back of the head is red, and the bill, or beak, is black. The female is an olive color with paler streaks. In general, the Taveta weaver is a small bird, around the size of the finch and closely related to the sparrow.

This bird can be found on the Savannah in coastal East Africa from eastern Tanzania to south-eastern Kenya. It prefers to live in bulrushes, woodland, and swampy areas. Some sightings of this bird have also been recorded in Asia.

The Taveta weaver eats mostly seeds, though they have been seen to feed from snall insects. The offspring receive food from the mother. This bird also feeds on corn and grasses.

Male weavers build extravagant oval nests over water attached to stems of reeds or grasses. The Taveta weavers lay two or three glossy, dark, olive-green eggs. The female bird chooses who she will mate, depending on how impressed she is with a male's skill to construct a nest. 

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