Wednesday 7 December 2016

28-11-2016 JURONG, SINGAPORE - EMERALD STARLING (Lamprotornis iris)

The emerald starling (Lamprotornis iris ) is also known as the iris glossy starling. It is a small starling with a metallic green crown, upper body, wings and tail. The ear-coverts and underparts are metallic purple. Both sexes are similar. Most taxonomists unite it with many other glossy starlings in Lamprotornis, while others place it in a monotypic genus Coccycolius.

A beautiful and distinctive starling that is mainly iridescent green, with a purple iridescent cheek patch and belly. In poor light, can look black. Also note the dark eye. Found locally in lush savanna and woodland, usually in small groups that often perch up in dead trees. Somewhat similar to some other glossy savanna-dwelling starlings, but smaller than most, and easily separated by the bright green plumage and the dark eye. The vocalizations include nasal and squeaky calls.

One of the smallest species among starlings, the emerald starling is distributed in West Africa. It inhabits lowlands and savanna of Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea and Sierra Leone. The emerald starling feeds on figs, Haronga berries and other fruit, seeds, ants and other small insects. The cup-shaped nest is built in a tree cavity. The male and female cooperate in building the nest from leaves, and both bring food to chicks after they hatch. Females possess a brood patch—a spot on their stomach lacking feathers—that helps them transfer body heat to their eggs.

It was formerly classified as data deficient by the IUCN, as available data was insufficient for judging its conservation status. Studies found that it was relatively widespread and locally common, and in 2015 its IUCN rating was changed to least concern. The emerald starling is caught for the wildlife trade and is locally threatened by mining activities, but overall this is unlikely to cause a major decline in the species.

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