Sunday 23 April 2023

23-4-2023 RACO DE OLLA, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The common tern is an agile flyer, capable of rapid turns and swoops, hovering, and vertical take-off. When commuting with fish, it flies close to the surface in a strong head wind, but 10–30 m (33–98 ft) above the water in a following wind. Unless migrating, normally it stays below 100 m (330 ft), and averages 30 km/h (19 mph) in the absence of a tail wind.[5] Its average flight speed during the nocturnal migration flight is 43–54 km/h (27–34 mph)[22] at a height of 1,000–3,000 m (3,300–9,800 ft).

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