Saturday 24 June 2023

2-6-2023 BALI BIRD PARK, BALI - PESQUET'S PARROT (Psittrichas fulgidus)

A large, primitive parrot of lower-montane, foothill and nearby lowland primary forest. Unparrotlike, long, pointy head. Black colour with pale brown edges to the chest feathers. Bright red belly, rump and wing feathers, showing as broad red bars across the wing in flight. Appears nomadic according to fruiting of fig trees and flies in pairs or small groups with a distinctive flight. Palm Cockatoo is a similar size, but lacks the Pesquet’s red in the wing. A raucous and rasping call.

Pesquet's parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus), also known as the Dracula parrot or as the vulturine parrot (leading to easy confusion with Pyrilia vulturina from Brazil), is the only member of its genus. It is endemic to hill and montane rainforest in New Guinea.

Its feathers are highly prized. This, combined with high prices in aviculture, has resulted in overhunting. Habitat loss also presents an ongoing problem.


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