Sunday 13 October 2024


 The Common buzzard (Buteo buteo) is a medium-to-large bird of prey which has a large range. It is an opportunistic predator that can take a wide variety of prey, but it feeds mostly on small mammals. The Common buzzard appears to be the most common diurnal raptor in Europe, as estimates of its total global population run well into the million.

The Common buzzard is a medium to a large-sized raptor that is highly variable in plumage. Most buzzards are distinctly round-headed with a somewhat slender bill, relatively long wings that either reach or fall slightly short of the tail tip when perched, a fairly short tail, and somewhat short and mainly bare tarsi. In Europe, most typical buzzards are dark brown above and on the upperside of the head and mantle, but can become paler and warmer brown with worn plumage. Usually, the tail will be narrowly barred grey-brown and dark brown with a pale tip and a broad dark subterminal band but the tail in palest birds can show a varying amount of white and reduced subterminal band or even appear almost all white. In European buzzards, the underside coloring can be variable but most typically show a brown-streaked white throat with a somewhat darker chest. A pale U across the breast is often present; followed by a pale line running down the belly which separates the dark areas on the breast side and flanks. These pale areas tend to have highly variable markings that tend to form irregular bars. Juvenile buzzards are quite similar to adults in the nominate race, being best told apart by having a paler eye, a narrower subterminal band on the tail, and underside markings that appear as streaks rather than bars.

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