Wednesday 24 February 2016

4-12-2016 JURONG, SINGAPORE - WHITE WINGED DUCK (Asarcornis scutulata)

The white-winged duck or white-winged wood duck (Asarcornis scutulata ) is a large species of duck, formerly placed in the genus Cairina with the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata ) and allied with the dabbling ducks. However, mtDNA cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 sequence analysis indicate that the anatomical similarity to the Muscovy duck is deceiving and that the species is appropriately placed in a monotypic genus, as Asarcornis scutulata, which is evolutionarily closer to the redhead (Aythya americana, one of the diving ducks).

White-winged ducks are among the world’s most endangered birds and are one of the biggest species of duck. In Assamese it is known as ‘Deo Hans’ or spirit duck because of its ghostly call. Its body is black and its head is white and thickly spotted with black, it has conspicuous white patches on its wings and orange or red eyes. The male and female look alike, the male having glossier feathers and being much larger and heavier.

White-winged ducks cannot easily be seen in the wild, as they spend their time hidden in trees. They are usually found in pairs or groups of four to six, sometimes more than ten. They love shade and most of the day will find them in secluded jungle pools, sometimes perching on trees during the day. Being crepuscular, they are most active during dusk and dawn. At night their loud calls echo throughout the forest, from a distance, sounding like a ghost. These birds molt annual in September or October, being flightless for a fortnight, when they move into more densely forested swampy areas for protection from predators.

Population size
Life Span
10-15 years
kg lbs 
cm inch 

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