Tuesday 13 December 2016

28-11-2016 JURONG, SINGAPORE - GOLDEN PHEASANT (MALE) (Chrysolophus pictus)

The Golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) is a colorful bird native to forests in mountainous areas of China. The genus name of this bird comes from Ancient Greek khrusolophos which means "with golden crest", and pictus - Latin for "painted" from pingere, "to paint".

The adult male of this species is unmistakable with its golden crest and rump and bright red body. The deep orange "cape" can be spread in display, appearing as an alternating black and orange fan that covers all of the face except its bright yellow eye with a pinpoint black pupil. The female is much less showy, with a duller mottled brown plumage. The female's breast and sides are barred buff and blackish brown, and the abdomen is plain buff. She has a buff face and throat. Some abnormal females may later in their lifetime get some male plumage. Both males and females have yellow legs and yellow bills.

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