Monday 12 December 2016

28-11-2016 JURONG, SINGAPORE - ROSEATE SPOONBILL (Platalea ajaja)

The Roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) is a gregarious wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family, Threskiornithidae. It is a resident breeder in both South and North America. Plume hunting in the 18th and 19th centuries almost drove these beautiful birds to extinction.

Adult Roseate spoonbills have a bare greenish head and a white neck, back, and breast (with a tuft of pink feathers in the center when breeding), and are otherwise a deep pink. The colors can range from pale pink to bright magenta, depending on age, whether breeding or not, and location. Unlike herons, spoonbills fly with their necks outstretched, and they alternate groups of stiff, shallow wingbeats with glides.

Roseate spoonbills are resident breeders in South America mostly east of the Andes and in coastal regions of the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, the Gulf Coast of the United States, and from central Florida's Atlantic coast at least as far north as South Carolina's Myrtle Beach. These birds inhabit coastal marshes, bays, lagoons, mangroves, and mudflats. They usually nest and roost in trees and shrubs near water.

Roseate spoonbills are gregarious birds and prefer to feed and fly in groups. They are active during the day spending many hours foraging in shallow fresh or coastal waters. The birds feed by swinging their bill from side to side as they steadily walk through the water, often in groups. Their spoon-shaped bill allows them to sift easily through mud feeling and looking for prey. The bill has sensitive nerve endings and once the birds feel the prey touch their bill they snap it closed. Roseate spoonbills roost in colonies often with other waders. They sleep standing, often on one leg with their head hidden under a shoulder. These birds are usually silent but when alarmed they will produce a low-pitched 'huh-huh-huh'; when feeding they may utter a very low, guttural sound.

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