Monday 5 December 2016

20-11-2016 PYAY, MYANMAR - SPOTTED DOVE (Streptopelia chinensis)

The Spotted dove (Spilopelia chinensis) is a small pigeon that is a common across its native range on the Indian subcontinent and in Southeast Asia. These birds are also called the Mountain dove, Pearl-necked dove, Lace-necked dove, and Spotted turtle-dove.

The ground color of this long and slim dove is rosy buff below shading into grey on the head and belly. There is a half collar on the back and sides of the neck made of black feathers that bifurcate and have white spots at the two tips. The median coverts have brown feathers tipped with rufous spots in the Indian and Sri Lankan subspecies which are divided at the tip by a widening grey shaft streak. The wing feathers are dark brown with grey edges. The center of the abdomen and vent are white. The outer tail feathers are tipped in white and become visible when the bird takes off. The male and the female are similar, but juveniles are duller than adults and do not acquire the neck spots until they are mature.

Spotted doves are widely distributed in southern Asia, from Sri Lanka and India, east to south China, and southwest Asia. These birds are often found near human habitation, and they live in mountains, open woodlands, scrub, farmland, gardens, and urban areas. In India, they prefer moister regions.

Spotted doves are widely distributed in southern Asia, from Sri Lanka and India, east to south China, and southwest Asia. These birds are often found near human habitation, and they live in mountains, open woodlands, scrub, farmland, gardens, and urban areas. In India, they prefer moister regions.

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