Wednesday, 8 January 2025


The Northern Lapwing, known scientifically as Vanellus vanellus, is a distinctive bird with a notable crest on its head. It measures 28–33 cm in length, with a wingspan of 67–87 cm and a body mass ranging from 128–330 g. The species exhibits sexual dimorphism; males have a pronounced crest and a stark black crown, throat, and breast, which contrasts sharply with their white face. Females and juveniles have shorter crests and less defined head markings, but their overall plumage is similar to that of the males, with a black and white coloration and a greenish tint on the back.

When identifying the Northern Lapwing, look for its rounded wings, short legs, and the characteristic crest that adorns its head. The male's long crest and contrasting black and white facial patterns are particularly striking during the breeding season. In flight, the species can be recognized by its slow wingbeats and the rounded shape of its wings.

The Northern Lapwing is a ground-nesting bird that favors open landscapes such as cultivated fields, grasslands, and wetlands. It is adaptable and can be found in a variety of temperate environments across Eurosiberia.

This bird is a widespread resident throughout temperate regions of Eurosiberia. It is highly migratory, wintering in regions as far south as North Africa and parts of Asia. Western European populations are more sedentary, while vagrants have been known to appear in North America following storms.

The Northern Lapwing is known for its acrobatic display flights, accompanied by a cacophony of calls during the breeding season. It migrates predominantly during the day, often in large flocks. The species is fiercely protective of its nest and young, boldly confronting any potential threats. In winter, it gathers in massive flocks on open land, and it is known to feed nocturnally when the moon is bright.

The Northern Lapwing is quite vocal, especially in the breeding season. Its contact call is a loud "pee-wit," which is also the origin of one of its common names. Males perform a display flight while emitting a wheezy "pee-wit, wit wit, eeze wit," and they may also produce squeaking or mewing sounds.

Breeding takes place on the ground in a simple scrape. The species typically lays 3–4 eggs, which are zealously defended against all intruders. The Northern Lapwing's breeding strategy includes feigning injury to distract predators from its nest.

The Northern Lapwing can be confused with other lapwing species, but its unique crest and the coloration of the male during the breeding season are distinguishing features.

 Its diet consists primarily of insects and other small invertebrates. The Northern Lapwing often feeds in mixed flocks with Golden Plovers and Black-headed Gulls, the latter of which may steal food but also offer some protection against predators.

The Northern Lapwing is currently classified as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List. Its populations have declined due to intensive agricultural practices, habitat loss, and predation. Conservation efforts include habitat restoration and management to support this species' recovery.

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