Showing posts with label LONGHORN BEETLE (Oxypleurus nodieri). Show all posts
Showing posts with label LONGHORN BEETLE (Oxypleurus nodieri). Show all posts

Wednesday 25 December 2019

25-12-2019 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - LONGHORN BEETLE (Oxypleurus nodieri)

Oxypleurus nodieri is a rare Mediterranean longhorn beetle associated with a variety of pines [✮][✳]. The larvae feed in recently dead branches and pupate in shallow pupal cells built in sapwood. The adults are nocturnal and can be found early in the spring. The species has been described from France by Étienne Mulsant in 1839 [❖]. Morphology of genus Oxypleurus has been well described by Petr Švácha and John F. Lawrence in 2014 [✧].