Wednesday, 15 March 2017


The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a species of hawk moth found across temperate regions of Eurasia. The species is named for its similarity to hummingbirds, as they feed on the nectar of tube-shaped flowers using their long proboscis while hovering in the air; this resemblance is an example of convergent evolution.

The hummingbird hawk-moth was first described by Carl Linnaeus in his 1758 10th edition of Systema Naturae. As of 2018, its entire genome and mitogenome have been sequenced.

The hummingbird hawk-moth is distributed throughout the northern Old World from Portugal to Japan, but it breeds mainly in warmer climates (southern Europe, North Africa, and points east). Three generations are produced in a year in Spain. There is evidence that the population in the British Isles is actively expanding its range, as numbers have been consistently increasing. In addition, it is believed that this population is becoming resident instead of migratory, as warmer temperatures due to climate change are allowing individuals to overwinter.

It is a strong flier, dispersing widely in the summer. However it rarely survives the winter in northern latitudes (e.g. north of the Alps in Europe, north of the Caucasus in Russia).

Moths in the genus Hemaris, also of the family Sphingidae, are known as "hummingbird moths" in the US, and "bee moths" in Europe. This sometimes causes confusion between this species and the North American genus.

Two or more broods are produced each year. The adult may be encountered at any time of the year, especially in the south of the range, where there may be three or four broods. It overwinters as an adult in a crevice among rocks, trees, and buildings. On very warm days it may emerge to feed in mid-winter. Unlike other moths, they have no sexual dimorphism in the size of their antennal lobes.

The glossy pale green ova (eggs) are spherical with a 1-millimetre (0.04 in) diameter. They are said to look like the flower buds of the host plant Galium, and that is where the female lays them. They hatch 6 to 8 days after laying. Up to 200 eggs may be laid by one female, each on a separate plant.


Beautiful little finch with a sharp pink bil, cherry-red face, and brilliant black-and-yellow flashes in the wings. Western birds (Europe east to far western Central Asia) have a black-and-white cowl; eastern birds (rest of Central Asia) lack this cowl, and are grayer overall, with more white on the wing. Juvenile (seen in late summer and autumn) has a plain head but is told easily by bold wing pattern. Uses a wide array of wooded and open habitats, from forests and gardens to steppe grasslands and meadows; often feeds on seeding thistles. Forms flocks in autumn and winter, gathering at food sources. Can be inconspicuous, but often detected by pleasant bubbling and twittering calls and song.


The central crown is black and surrounded by a blue band. There is a black eyemask. The call is a low owl-like ooo-doot.

These birds often sit still, and in their dense forest habitat can be difficult to see, despite their size. They eat small prey such as insects and lizards, and will also regularly take fruit.

Like most of the Coraciiformes, motmots nest in tunnels in banks, laying about three or four white eggs.


Sunday, 12 March 2017

31-3-2017 MIAMI, FLORIDA - BARRED OWL (Strix varia)

The Barred owl (Strix varia) is a North American large species of owl. These are large nocturnal birds probably best known for their unique vocalizations that carry well over 0.8 km (0.50 mi). They have typical nesting habits for a true owl and raise a relatively small brood often in a tree hollow or snag in forested areas.

Barred owls are brown to gray overall with dark striping on the underside contrasted immediately above that with similarly dark and tight barring about their throat and nape. Their head is fairly large and rounded with no ear tufts. The bill is pale straw-yellow (occasionally showing a mild greenish tint) while the cere is “horn”-colored. Their soulful eyes are blackish-brown in color. Like most birds of prey, females in this species are larger than males.

Barred owls are found throughout most of the eastern United States, as well as much of southern Canada and Mexico. They live in old deciduous, mixed forests and, occasionally, coniferous forests. Barred owls can also be found in deep moist forests, semi-open wooded areas, oak savanna or cabbage-palm areas, riparian areas or swampy ground, agricultural fields, wetlands, open terrain, and large parks with old trees.

12-3-2017 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - BLACK REDSTART (JUVENILE) (Phoenicurus ochruros)

Saturday, 11 March 2017

11-3-2017 COLUMBIA - SCRUB TANAGER (Stilpnia vitriolina)




The speckled wood (Pararge aegeria) is a butterfly found in and on the borders of woodland areas throughout much of the Palearctic realm. The species is subdivided into multiple subspecies, including Pararge aegeria aegeria, Pararge aegeria tircis, Pararge aegeria oblita, and Pararge aegeria insula. The color of this butterfly varies between subspecies. The existence of these subspecies is due to variation in morphology down a gradient corresponding to a geographic cline. The background of the wings ranges from brown to orange, and the spots are either pale yellow, white, cream, or a tawny orange. The speckled wood feeds on a variety of grass species. The males of this species exhibit two types of mate locating behaviors: territorial defense and patrolling. The proportion of males exhibiting these two strategies changes based on ecological conditions. The monandrous female must choose which type of male can help her reproduce successfully. Her decision is heavily influenced by environmental conditions.

The speckled wood occupies a diversity of grassy, flowery habitats in forest, meadow steppe, woods, and glades. It can also be found in urban areas alongside hedges, in wooded urban parks, and occasionally in gardens. Within its range the speckled wood typically prefers damp areas. It is generally found in woodland areas throughout much of the Palearctic realm. P. a. tircis is found in northern and central Europe, Asia Minor, Syria, Russia, and central Asia, and the P. a. aegeria is found in southwestern Europe and North Africa. Two additional subspecies are found within the British Isles: the Scottish speckled wood (P. a. oblita) is restricted to Scotland and its surrounding isles, and the Isles of Scilly speckled wood (P. a. insula) is found only on the Isles of Scilly. P. a. tricis and P. a. aegeria gradually intergrade into each other.

11-3-2017 GANDIA, VALENCIA - EUROPEAN SERIN (MALE) (Serinus serinus)

11-3-2017 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - WHITE WAGTAIL (Motacilla alba)


The Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) is a cosmopolitan species of heron named for its association with cattle. It is the only member of the monotypic genus Bubulcus, although some authorities regard its two subspecies as full species, the Western cattle egret and the Eastern cattle egret. Despite the similarities in plumage to the egrets of the genus Egretta, it is more closely related to the herons of Ardea.

The Cattle egret is a stocky bird. It has a relatively short, thick neck, a sturdy bill, and a hunched posture. The nonbreeding adult has mainly white plumage, a yellow bill, and greyish-yellow legs. During the breeding season, adults of the nominate western subspecies develop orange-buff plumes on the back, breast, and crown, and the bill, legs, and irises become bright red for a brief period prior to pairing. The sexes are similar, but the male is marginally larger and has slightly longer breeding plumes than the female; juvenile birds lack coloured plumes and have a black bill.

Cattle egrets are native to parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe but they have undergone a rapid expansion in their distribution and successfully colonized much of the rest of the world in the last century. Many populations of Cattle egrets are highly migratory, while others are dispersive, and distinguishing between the two can be difficult. In many areas, populations can be both sedentary and migratory. In the Northern Hemisphere, migration is from cooler climes to warmer areas, but Cattle egrets nesting in Australia migrate to cooler Tasmania and New Zealand in the winter and return in the spring. Migration in western Africa is in response to rainfall, and in South America, migrating birds travel south of their breeding range in the non-breeding season. Populations in southern India appear to show local migrations in response to the monsoons. Cattle egrets inhabit wetlands, dry grassy habitats, semi-arid steppes, floodplains, freshwater swamps, shallow marshes, and mangroves. They are often found in fields, croplands, and pastures with poor drainage. When nesting, Cattle egrets are found in woodlands near lakes or rivers, in swamps, or on small inland or coastal islands.


The Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) is asmall passerine bird that breeds over most of temperate Eurasia and Southeast Asia, where it is known as the Tree sparrow. It has been introduced elsewhere including the United States, where it is known as the Eurasian tree sparrow or German sparrow to differentiate it from the native unrelated American tree sparrow.

The adult's crown and nape are rich chestnut, and there is a kidney-shaped black ear patch on each pure white cheek; the chin, throat, and the area between the bill and throat are black. The upperparts are light brown, streaked with black, and the brown wings have two distinct narrow white bars. The legs are pale brown, and the bill is lead-blue in summer, becoming almost black in winter. This sparrow is distinctive even within its genus in that it has no plumage differences between the sexes; the juvenile also resembles the adult, although the colors tend to be duller. Its contrasting face pattern makes this species easily identifiable in all plumages; the smaller size and brown, not grey, crown are additional differences from the male house sparrow. Adult and juvenile Eurasian tree sparrows undergo a slow complete molt in the autumn and show an increase in body mass despite a reduction in stored fat. The change in mass is due to an increase in blood volume to support active feather growth and generally higher water content in the body.The adult's crown and nape are rich chestnut, and there is a kidney-shaped black ear patch on each pure white cheek; the chin, throat, and the area between the bill and throat are black. The upperparts are light brown, streaked with black, and the brown wings have two distinct narrow white bars. The legs are pale brown, and the bill is lead-blue in summer, becoming almost black in winter. This sparrow is distinctive even within its genus in that it has no plumage differences between the sexes; the juvenile also resembles the adult, although the colors tend to be duller. Its contrasting face pattern makes this species easily identifiable in all plumages; the smaller size and brown, not grey, crown are additional differences from the male house sparrow. Adult and juvenile Eurasian tree sparrows undergo a slow complete molt in the autumn and show an increase in body mass despite a reduction in stored fat. The change in mass is due to an increase in blood volume to support active feather growth and generally higher water content in the body.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


8-3-2017 CATAROLLA, VALENCIA - LITTLE EGRET (Egretta garzetta)

The Little Egret is a small white heron with attractive white plumes on crest, back and chest, black legs and bill and yellow feet. It first appeared in the UK in significant numbers in 1989 and first bred in Dorset in 1996. Its arrival followed naturally from a range expansion into western and northern France in previous decades. It is now at home on numerous south coast sites, both as a breeding species and as a winter visitor.
With its yellow feet, which are used to flush prey when feeding in shallow water, the Little Egret is a distinctive member of the heron family.

The little egret (Egretta garzetta) is a species of small heron in the family Ardeidae. It is a white bird with a slender black beak, long black legs and, in the western race, yellow feet. As an aquatic bird, it feeds in shallow water and on land, consuming a variety of small creatures. It breeds colonially, often with other species of water birds, making a platform nest of sticks in a tree, bush or reed bed. A clutch of three to five bluish-green eggs is laid and incubated by both parents for about three weeks. The young fledge at about six weeks of age.
Its breeding distribution is in wetlands in warm temperate to tropical parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. A successful colonist, its range has gradually expanded north, with stable and self-sustaining populations now present in the United Kingdom.

8-3-2017 CATAROLLA, VALENCIA - GREY HERON (Ardea cinerea)

8-3-2017 CATAROLLA, VALENCIA - AUDOUIN'S GULL (Ichthyaetus audouin

Tuesday, 7 March 2017



Grey Herons disperse widely after the breeding season, this movement beginning generally soon after the young can fly. Dispersal may be in almost any direction, although mainly to the southwest in Europe. In southern Europe, postbreeding migration is in September and October, and prebreeding migration in February and March (Lekuona and Campos 1996c). In northern Europe, autumn migration is from early September to late November and return is in February and April (Grishchenko and Serebryakov 1993).

Birds breeding in Scotland and England are generally non-migratory (Partridge 1986), although British birds have also been recovered in Spain and Gambia (Christmas 1994). In southern Europe, some birds remain in winter but others migrate (Lekuona and Campos 1996a, c, Marion 2000). Migration is generally to the southwest in west and east Europe, to the southwest in west Asia and to the south and southwest in east Asia (Hancock and Kushlan 1984, Li et al. 1989, Round 1995). In the Mediterranean, migration is broad but corridors occur along both the eastern and western shores. Birds nesting in Africa, India and south east Asia appear to be sedentary.

Individuals sometimes wander widely. The Grey Heron is regularly seen in Iceland, Faeroes, and Ascension islands. In the New World, it has been recorded in Greenland, United States (Burton and Smith 2001), Barbados (Smith and Smith 1990), Tobago (D. Finch 2002), French Guiana, Azores, Trinidad (F. Hayes pers. comm.), Montserrat, Martinique, off Bermuda, Brazil (Para), and Venezuela (Marion 1988). The last six records are of birds that originated in France. It has been reported offshore in South Africa (Kirsch 1998). There are also occasional records from New Guinea, Kalimatan (Van Balen 1999), Australia, and New Zealand (Parkes 1974). Early sight records from New Zealand have been discounted (Dawson 1974).

Sunday, 5 March 2017


Podarcis liolepis, the Columbretes wall lizard or Catalan wall lizard, is very similar to the other lizards in the genus Podarcis. This species was formerly described as a subspecies of the Iberian wall lizard, but has now been elevated to species status. These are slender lizards with long tails, narrow tapered heads and long thin toes, and stout legs. Colours are variable, although generally grey-brown. Often very subtle spots and stripes along the back and flanks can be seen and these can be more distinguished in the female. The underside is a much lighter cream or beige with sometimes a reddish tint. Adults grow 15–20 cm in length from the nose to tip of the tail. Body length can be a little as one third of the total body length, the tail making up the other two thirds.

Life cycle
Lifespan around 4–5 years. Sexual maturity is reached in their second year. Breeding takes place in spring after they wake from winter hibernation. 1-5 eggs are laid, each around 5x9mm, in cracks in rocks or under stones. During development the eggs swell and after 8 weeks when ready to hatch they can be 8x15mm in size. They hatch out around early July. 

They are found in the north-east of the Iberian peninsula, including southern France in parts of the Pyrenees. They are not found above 3400m elevation.

5-3-2017 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - EUROPEAN ROBIN (Erithacus rubecula)

The European robin (Erithacus rubecula), known simply as the robin or robin redbreast in Great Britain and Ireland, is a small insectivorous passerine bird, a member of the chat subfamily of the Old World flycatcher family. It is a plucky little bird, with a length of about 12.5–14.0 cm and a weight of 16–22 g. Both sexes are similarly adorned with an orange breast and face, lined with grey, brown upper-parts, and a whitish belly.

Adult robins can be identified by their orange breast and face, bordered by a bluish-grey on the sides of the neck and chest. The upperparts are brownish, or olive-tinged in British birds, and the belly is whitish. The bill and eyes are black. Juvenile robins are distinguishable by their spotted brown and white plumage, with patches of orange gradually appearing as they mature.

The European robin is a bird of diverse habitats, found in woodlands, gardens, and parks across its range. It is particularly associated with areas where the soil is dug or disturbed, allowing it easy access to its invertebrate prey.

This bird has a wide distribution across Europe, extending east to Western Siberia and south to North Africa. It is sedentary in most of its range except the far north, where it is migratory.

The robin is diurnal and is known for its boldness in human presence, often seen investigating gardeners at work. It is territorial, with males known to fiercely defend their territory. The robin's diet is primarily composed of insects and worms, but it will also consume berries and fruit, especially in autumn and winter.

5-3-2017 PALMA DE GANDIA, VALENCIA - COMMON CHIFFCHAFF (Phylloscopus collybita)

The Common Chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybita, is a diminutive and sprightly leaf warbler known for its distinctive, onomatopoeic song. This small, migratory passerine is characterized by its greenish-brown upperparts and off-white underparts, with a weight ranging from 6 to 8 grams and a length of 10-12 centimeters.

In the field, look for the Common Chiffchaff's short whitish supercilium, fine dark bill, and dark legs. Its primary projection is short, and the plumage may appear duller and browner as it wears. Juveniles are browner above with yellow-white underparts, but they soon acquire brighter plumage after their first moult.

The Common Chiffchaff breeds in open woodlands with a mix of taller trees and ground cover across northern and temperate Europe, Asia, and parts of north Africa. It prefers woodland with trees at least 5 meters high and an undergrowth of grasses and nettles.

This species has a vast breeding range, extending from Europe to eastern Siberia and northward to about 70 N. It winters in southern and western Europe, southern Asia, and north Africa. The Common Chiffchaff is one of the earliest spring migrants to return to its breeding grounds and one of the last to depart in autumn.

The male Common Chiffchaff is fiercely territorial during the breeding season, defending its core territory against rivals. It exhibits a fearless nature, even attacking predators that threaten its nest. Outside the breeding season, these birds may form small flocks with other warblers.

The song is a cheerful "chiff-chaff," which heralds the arrival of spring. Calls include a "hweet" sound, less disyllabic than the calls of closely related warblers. The song is a key distinguishing feature from similar species, such as the Iberian Chiffchaff.

The female constructs a domed nest on or near the ground, lined with feathers. Clutches typically consist of 2-7 cream-colored eggs, which hatch after 13-14 days. The female assumes most of the responsibility for brooding and feeding the chicks, with the male playing a minimal role.

The Common Chiffchaff is insectivorous, feeding on a variety of insects and other small invertebrates. It is known to be an active forager, often seen flitting through foliage or hovering briefly to snatch prey.

The Common Chiffchaff is classified as "Least Concern" by the IUCN, with an extensive range and large population. While one subspecies is likely extinct, the overall species does not face significant threats at present, and populations in some areas are increasing.

5-3-2017 PALMA DE GANDIA, VALENCIA - SARDINIAN WARBLER (MALE) (Sylvia melanocephala)

5-3-2017 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - HOUSE SPARROW (MALE) (Passer domesticus)