Sunday, 26 March 2017


The Bare-throated Tiger Heron, known scientifically as Tigrisoma mexicanum, is a striking wading bird belonging to the heron family, Ardeidae. It is a creature of considerable size, measuring 80 cm (31 in) in length and tipping the scales at 1,200 g (42 oz). The species is distinguished by its bare throat, which exhibits a greenish-yellow to orange hue across all plumages.

Adults of this species can be identified by their black crown and the light grey sides of their head. The neck and upperparts are predominantly blackish, narrowly barred with buff. A distinctive white-bordered black median stripe adorns the fore-neck, while the underparts are a dull cinnamon brown. Juveniles, on the other hand, display a buff coloration coarsely barred with black, with more mottling and vermiculation on the wings. Their throat, median underparts, and belly are predominantly whitish.

The Bare-throated Tiger Heron favors more open environments compared to its Tigrisoma counterparts, often found along the banks of rivers and lakes.

This species has a range that extends from Mexico to northwestern Colombia. There has been a recorded sighting in the United States, specifically in Hidalgo County, Texas.

The Bare-throated Tiger Heron is known for its often motionless stance as it waits for suitable prey, such as fish, frogs, or crabs, to venture within striking distance of its long bill. It is a solitary breeder, not typically associating with heron colonies.

The flight of the Bare-throated Tiger Heron is described as heavy. Its vocalizations include a hoarse "howk-howk-howk" and, in males, a booming "hrrrowwr!" particularly around sunset. During the latter call, the beak opens wide, and undulations are visible along the throat.

This heron breeds alone, constructing a small, flattish stick platform in a tree for its nest. The clutch usually consists of 2–3 green-tinged white eggs.

While there are no specific similar species mentioned, the Bare-throated Tiger Heron can be differentiated from other herons by its unique throat coloration and barring patterns.

The diet of the Bare-throated Tiger Heron includes fish, frogs, and crabs, which it captures with its long bill.

The IUCN Red List has classified the Bare-throated Tiger Heron as Least Concern, indicating that, currently, there are no immediate threats to its population numbers that would warrant a higher level of concern.


The Sunbittern, Eurypyga helias, is a unique and solitary bird, the only representative of its family, Eurypygidae. It exhibits a rather subdued plumage of black, grey, and brown, with strikingly patterned wings that reveal vivid eyespots of red, yellow, and black when spread. These eyespots are not merely for beauty; they play a crucial role in the bird's behavior, being used in courtship, threat displays, and to startle predators.

Adult Sunbitterns can be distinguished by subtle variations in the feather patterns on their throat and head. They possess a long, pointed bill, black on the upper side, and a short hallux, similar to shorebirds and rails. The upperparts of the South American subspecies are predominantly brown, while the legs and lower mandible are a striking orange-yellow. The other subspecies are greyer above, with legs and bill sometimes showing a redder hue.

The Sunbittern, Eurypyga helias, is a unique and solitary bird, the only representative of its family, Eurypygidae. It exhibits a rather subdued plumage of black, grey, and brown, with strikingly patterned wings that reveal vivid eyespots of red, yellow, and black when spread. These eyespots are not merely for beauty; they play a crucial role in the bird's behavior, being used in courtship, threat displays, and to startle predators.

Adult Sunbitterns can be distinguished by subtle variations in the feather patterns on their throat and head. They possess a long, pointed bill, black on the upper side, and a short hallux, similar to shorebirds and rails. The upperparts of the South American subspecies are predominantly brown, while the legs and lower mandible are a striking orange-yellow. The other subspecies are greyer above, with legs and bill sometimes showing a redder hue.

The Sunbittern is a denizen of humid Neotropical forests, favoring areas with open understories and in close proximity to water bodies such as rivers, streams, ponds, or lagoons.

This species ranges from Guatemala to Brazil. The nominate race, E. h. helias, inhabits the lowland tropical regions of South America, including the Orinoco and Amazon basins and the Pantanal. The E. h. meridionalis subspecies is found along the East Andean slope in south-central Peru, while E. h. major ranges from southern Guatemala through Central America and the Chocó to western Ecuador.

Sunbitterns are cryptic and elusive, often revealing their presence only when they display their large, eye-patterned wings in response to a threat. This behavior serves as a defense mechanism, startling potential predators.

A versatile predator, the Sunbittern feeds on a variety of animal prey, including insects, crabs, spiders, shrimps, earthworms, fish, tadpoles, toads, frogs, eels, and lizards. Remarkably, it has been observed using bait or lures to attract prey within striking distance, a behavior that is considered a form of tool use.

The breeding season commences with the onset of the wet season. Sunbitterns engage in aerial displays high in the forest canopy before nesting. They construct open nests in trees and lay two eggs adorned with blotched markings. The precocial chicks remain in the nest for several weeks post-hatching.

Due to its unique appearance and behaviors, the Sunbittern has few similar species within its range. However, its bittern-like stature may cause initial confusion with members of the heron family.

The Sunbittern is currently listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating that it does not face any immediate threat of extinction in the wild.


The Sunbittern, Eurypyga helias, is a unique and solitary bird, the only representative of its family, Eurypygidae. It exhibits a rather subdued plumage of black, grey, and brown, with strikingly patterned wings that reveal vivid eyespots of red, yellow, and black when spread. These eyespots are not merely for beauty; they play a crucial role in the bird's behavior, being used in courtship, threat displays, and to startle predators.

Adult Sunbitterns can be distinguished by subtle variations in the feather patterns on their throat and head. They possess a long, pointed bill, black on the upper side, and a short hallux, similar to shorebirds and rails. The upperparts of the South American subspecies are predominantly brown, while the legs and lower mandible are a striking orange-yellow. The other subspecies are greyer above, with legs and bill sometimes showing a redder hue.

The Sunbittern is a denizen of humid Neotropical forests, favoring areas with open understories and in close proximity to water bodies such as rivers, streams, ponds, or lagoons.

This species ranges from Guatemala to Brazil. The nominate race, E. h. helias, inhabits the lowland tropical regions of South America, including the Orinoco and Amazon basins and the Pantanal. The E. h. meridionalis subspecies is found along the East Andean slope in south-central Peru, while E. h. major ranges from southern Guatemala through Central America and the Chocó to western Ecuador.

Sunbitterns are cryptic and elusive, often revealing their presence only when they display their large, eye-patterned wings in response to a threat. This behavior serves as a defense mechanism, startling potential predators.

A versatile predator, the Sunbittern feeds on a variety of animal prey, including insects, crabs, spiders, shrimps, earthworms, fish, tadpoles, toads, frogs, eels, and lizards. Remarkably, it has been observed using bait or lures to attract prey within striking distance, a behavior that is considered a form of tool use.


The White-necked Jacobin, scientifically known as Florisuga mellivora, is a medium-sized hummingbird adorned with a striking plumage. The male is particularly distinctive, boasting a dark blue head and chest, contrasted by a pure white belly and tail, the latter tipped with black. A white band graces the nape, setting apart the blue head from the vibrant green back and elongated uppertail coverts. Females exhibit a more variable appearance, often showing green upperparts and a blue-green throat, with white "scales" and a white belly. Their tails are mostly green with a blue terminal band.

Males are unmistakable with their contrasting blue and white plumage. Females and immatures can be more challenging to identify due to their variability, but typically females have less white in the tail and a bronzy hue on the throat and chest.

This species is found in the canopy and edges of humid forests, as well as in semi-open areas like tall secondary forests, gallery forests, and plantations of coffee and cacao. It tends to stay high in the trees but may descend to lower levels at forest edges and clearings.

The White-necked Jacobin ranges from Mexico through Central America and into northern South America, including Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia. It is also present in Trinidad & Tobago. The nominate subspecies, F. m. mellivora, is widespread, while F. m. flabellifera is endemic to the island of Tobago.

This hummingbird's movement patterns are not fully understood, but it seems to shift seasonally in response to flowering patterns. It is known to be aggressive towards conspecifics when feeding but is not typically territorial.

The White-necked Jacobin is not a particularly vocal species. Its song consists of a series of high-pitched notes, while its calls include a short 'tsik', a high-pitched 'sweet', and a descending 'swee-swee-swee-swee' during antagonistic interactions.

Breeding occurs during the dry to early wet seasons, with timing varying across its range. The nest is a shallow cup made of plant down and cobwebs, often situated on a leaf and sheltered by another leaf overhead. Males engage in display flights and chases, while females perform fluttering flights to distract predators.

The diet consists primarily of nectar from flowers of tall trees, epiphytes, shrubs, and Heliconia plants. They are also insectivorous, hawking small insects through various aerial maneuvers.

The IUCN has classified the White-necked Jacobin as Least Concern due to its extremely large range. While the population size is not quantified, and trends are unknown, the species is considered uncommon to common throughout its range and is able to adapt to human-modified habitats.

Saturday, 25 March 2017


The rufous-crested coquette (Lophornis delattrei) is a species of hummingbird native to the tropical slopes of pacific South America. Due to its small size and population, it is a rare sight even within its native region. Males of the species can be easily distinguished by their striking rufous coloured spiked crests, and females, while less obvious, can be identified by their small size and rufous coloured foreheads.

The species inhabits the Pacific and Caribbean mountainsides of Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Costa Rica; and at least one observation of the species has been reported in western Brazil. The species is primarily found in altitudes of 500m 1,900m above sea level, likely inhabiting higher altitudes when breeding and lower when not. Rufous-crested Croquettes favour humid forests with evergreen or semi-deciduous compositions, and travel large distances within these ecosystems in search of suitable foods. In a homing experiment with frilled coquettes, this genetically similar species was seen to navigate ranges of up to 15 km.


The barred antshrike (Thamnophilus doliatus) is a passerine bird in the antbird family. It is found in the Neotropics from Tamaulipas, Mexico, through Central America, Trinidad and Tobago, and a large part of South America east of the Andes as far south as northern Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. There is one accepted record from southern Texas. It is found in a wide range of wooded habitats (even gardens and parks) in both humid and arid regions. Throughout a large part of its range, it is among the most common antbirds.


The black-cheeked woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani ) is a resident breeding bird from southeastern Mexico south to western Ecuador.

This woodpecker occurs in the higher levels of wet forests, semi-open woodland and old second growth. It nests in an unlined hole 6–30 m (20–98 ft) high in a dead tree. The clutch is two to four glossy white eggs, incubated by both sexes.

The binomial commemorates the French zoologist Jacques Pucheran.

The black-cheeked woodpecker feeds on insects, but will take substantial quantities of fruit and nectar.

This common and conspicuous species gives a rattling krrrrrl call and both sexes drum on territory.

Medium-sized woodpecker of evergreen forests and their edges in tropical lowlands. Less numerous than the larger and more conspicuous Golden-fronted Woodpecker, which occurs in the same areas. Distinctive, with a large black mask, white patch behind the eyes, black upperparts with narrow white bars and a large white patch on the rump. The male has an entire red crown. In the female the front is greyish and the back is red.

The adult is 18.5 cm (7.3 in) long and weighs 63 g (2.2 oz). It has black upperparts with white barring on the back, white spotting on the wings and a white rump. The tail is black with some white barring, and the underparts are pale buff-olive with a red central belly. There is a black patch through the eyes and on the cheeks, a yellow forehead, and a red nape. The crown is red in the male and black in the female. Young birds are duller, have less white above and less red on the belly.

The Black-cheeked Woodpecker has black upperpart with white-barred mantled and spotted wings. The face and sides of the neck are also black. The throat and breast are brownish-buff with barred belly and central red area. The male has a red cap and nape. Females have only the nape red. It is the only medium size woodpecker with a dark back within its range. Resembles the Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, but their ranges do not overlap.

23-3-2017 TROGON LODGE, COSTA RICA - TREE SWALLOW (Tachycineta bicolor)

The Tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) is a migratory bird found in the Americas. It was first described in 1807 by French ornithologist Louis Vieillot as Hirundo bicolor. This bird spends most of its time flying and chasing after insects in acrobatic twists and turns. Because of its large range and stable population, the Tree swallow is considered to be least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In the US, it is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, and in Canada by the Migratory Birds Convention Act.

The male Tree swallow has mostly glossy blue-green upperparts, the wings and tail being blackish. The underparts and the cheek patch are white, although the underwing coverts are grey-brown. The bill is black, the eyes dark brown, and the legs and feet pale brown. The female is duller in colour than the male, and sometimes has a brown forehead. The second-year female also has brown upperparts, with a variable number of blue feathers; some third-year females also retain a portion of this subadult plumage. The juvenile Tree swallow can be distinguished by its brown upperparts and grey-brown-washed breast.

Tree swallows breed in the United States and Canada. They winter along southern US coasts, along the Gulf Coast, to Panama and the northwestern coast of South America, and in the West Indies. The breeding habitat of these birds is primarily open and wooded areas, especially those near water; these may include marshes, ponds, bogs, wooded swamps, and lakes. Tree swallows prefer to rest in cane or reed beds over water, but may also be found over land and on trees and wires.


The Rufous-collared Sparrow, also known as the Andean Sparrow, is a small, charming bird measuring 13.5–15 cm in length and weighing between 20–25 grams. Adults are recognized by their stubby grey bills and a distinctive grey head marked with broad black stripes on the crown sides, and thinner stripes through the eye and below the cheeks. A notable rufous nape and breast sides complement their black-streaked buff-brown upperparts, and they exhibit two white wing bars. Their throats are white, transitioning to off-white underparts that become brown on the flanks, highlighted by a black breast patch. Juveniles present a more subdued appearance with duller, indistinct head patterns and streaked underparts, lacking the adult's rufous collar.

When identifying this species, look for the rufous collar around the nape and the black stripes on the head. The two white wing bars are also key features. The largest subspecies, found on the tepuis, has grey underparts and a more extensive rufous collar that appears as a band of black freckles across the breast.

The Rufous-collared Sparrow thrives in a variety of open or semi-open habitats, including cultivated lands, gardens, parks, grasslands, and scrubby second growth or cerrado. It is well-adapted to urban and suburban environments but is notably absent from dense Amazonian forests.

This adaptable bird ranges from the extreme south-east of Mexico to Tierra del Fuego, and on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. In the northern and western parts of its range, it is typically found at altitudes of 600–4,000 meters, while in the southern and eastern parts, it is commonly found down to near sea level.

The Rufous-collared Sparrow is often seen in pairs or small flocks, holding small territories. It is known for its tame and approachable nature, making it a familiar sight across its extensive range.

The male's song is a delightful mix of slurred whistles and trills, varying geographically. Calls include a sharp "tsip." Listen for songs that may include tee-teeooo, e’e’e’e’e, or teeooo, teeeee, often delivered from a low perch.

Breeding is influenced by food availability and rainfall. Nests are open cups of plant material lined with fine grasses, placed in vegetation on the ground or low in a tree or bush. Females lay two or three pale greenish-blue eggs with reddish-brown blotches, which are incubated for 12–14 days. Males assist in feeding the chicks, which fledge after about two weeks. Brood parasitism by species such as the shiny cowbird may occur.

The Rufous-collared Sparrow can be confused with other sparrows, but its rufous collar and distinctive head stripes are key differentiators.

This sparrow forages on the ground for seeds, fallen grain, insects, and spiders. It may join mixed-species feeding flocks and has been observed picking termites from spider webs.

The Rufous-collared Sparrow is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, thanks to its widespread distribution and adaptability to human-altered environments.


The Clay-colored Thrush, Turdus grayi, is a bird of modest plumage, its feathers a subtle palette of brown hues, lighter on the flanks and faintly streaked on the throat. This bird, similar in size to the American Robin, measures approximately 23 to 27 centimeters in length and weighs between 74 to 76 grams. The young are distinguished by a faint mottling on their backs and underparts. Notable identification features include a greenish-yellow bill with a dark base, pinkish or flesh-colored legs, and reddish irises.

The song of the Clay-colored Thrush is a series of slurred musical phrases, often repeated irregularly at a slow, steady tempo. Its flight call is a harsher version of the American Robin's "tock." During the dry season, its mating call varies significantly across regions.

When identifying the Clay-colored Thrush, look for its brownish plumage, which is lighter below and lightest on the flanks. The throat bears faint streaks, and the bird's bill is greenish-yellow with a dark base. The legs are pinkish or flesh-colored, and the irises are a distinctive reddish color. Juveniles may exhibit faint mottling on their back and underparts.

The Clay-colored Thrush is a familiar sight in yards and gardens, much like its relatives the American Robin, the Eurasian Blackbird, and the Song Thrush. It thrives in a variety of habitats, from South Texas to northern Colombia, often found in human-altered landscapes where fruiting trees are present.

This bird's range extends from South Texas, where it is expanding its territory, to northern Colombia. It is predominantly found on the Atlantic slope west and north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, with an isolated population around Oaxaca City, Mexico.

The Clay-colored Thrush is known to forage on the ground or near it, usually alone or in pairs, though it may gather in flocks in fruiting trees. It is also known to follow army ants to capture small prey disturbed by the ants' movement.

The breeding season for the Clay-colored Thrush spans from March to July. It constructs a sturdy cup nest from grass, moss, feathers, leaves, and mud, often utilizing human structures for support. The female lays 2 to 4 pale blue eggs adorned with red-brown and gray markings and may produce two broods per season. The species is known for its aggressive defense of its nest, even against large raptors.

The Clay-colored Thrush may be confused with other Turdus species, but its unique coloration, reddish irises, and regional song variations help distinguish it from its relatives.

This thrush primarily feeds on fruit and invertebrates, foraging on the ground or in trees. It is opportunistic, sometimes taking advantage of disturbances caused by army ants to find prey.

The IUCN Red List classifies the Clay-colored Thrush as Least Concern, indicating a stable population without significant threats to its survival.

23-3-2017 TROGON LODGE, COSTA RICA - BLUE GREY TANAGER (Thraupis episcopus)

The blue-gray tanager (Thraupis episcopus ) is a medium-sized South American songbird of the tanager family, Thraupidae. Its range is from Mexico south to northeast Bolivia and northern Brazil, all of the Amazon Basin, except the very south. It has been introduced to Lima (Peru). On Trinidad and Tobago, this bird is called blue jean.

The blue-gray tanager is 16–18 cm (6.3–7.1 in) long and weighs 30–40 g (1.1–1.4 oz). Adults have a light bluish head and underparts, with darker blue upperparts and a shoulder patch colored a different hue of blue. The bill is short and quite thick. Sexes are similar, but the immature is much duller in plumage.

The song is a squeaky twittering, interspersed with tseee and tsuup call notes.

The breeding habitat is open woodland, cultivated areas and gardens. The blue-gray tanager lives mainly on fruit, but will also take some nectar and insects. This is a common, restless, noisy and confiding species, usually found in pairs, but sometimes small groups. It thrives around human habitation, and will take some cultivated fruit like papayas (Carica papaya ).

One to three, usually two, dark-marked whitish to gray-green eggs are laid in a deep cup nest in a high tree fork or building crevice. Incubation by the female is 14 days with another 17 to fledging. The nest is sometimes parasitised by Molothrus cowbirds.

Two birds studied in the Parque Nacional de La Macarena of Colombia were infected with microfilariae, an undetermined Trypanosoma species, and another blood parasite that could not be identified. Two other birds, examined near Turbo (also in Colombia), did not have blood parasites.

Widespread and common throughout its large range, the blue-gray tanager is evaluated as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Friday, 24 March 2017


The Purple-throated Mountaingem, scientifically known as Lampornis calolaemus, is a diminutive and vibrant species of hummingbird. Measuring between 10 to 11.5 cm in length and weighing a mere 4.5 to 6 grams, these birds are adorned with a medium-length straight black bill, a distinctive white to pale buff stripe behind the eye, and a fairly long tail that adds to their elegant appearance.

Adult males of the nominate subspecies boast a glittering emerald green to bluish green forehead and crown, with metallic bronze-green upperparts that transition to bluish or grass green on the uppertail coverts. Their faces are dusky bronze green, and they feature a striking metallic violet or purple gorget. The breast shines with bright metallic green, while the flanks and belly are a more subdued bronzy green or gray. The undertail coverts are deep bronzy gray with paler gray margins, and the tail is a dull blue-black.

Adult females present bright metallic green upperparts with a bluish tinge on the uppertail coverts and a more bronzish hue elsewhere. Their faces are predominantly blackish, and the throat, breast, and belly are tawny yellow, transitioning to dull white to tawny buff on the undertail coverts. The central tail feathers and the upper half of the others are dull metallic green or bronze green, with the lower half of the outer tail feathers mostly black with pale gray tips.

The Purple-throated Mountaingem inhabits humid montane evergreen forests and cloudforests, preferring steep slopes and broken terrain. In central Costa Rica, they range from elevations of 1,200 to 2,500 meters, and can be found as low as 800 meters in the northern regions.

This species is found in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama, with three subspecies distributed across different regions. L. c. pectoralis resides from southwestern Nicaragua to northwestern Costa Rica, L. c. calolaemus in northern and central Costa Rica, and L. c. homogenes in western Panama and possibly southern Costa Rica.

Post-breeding season, some Purple-throated Mountaingems descend to elevations as low as 300 meters. Males are known to fiercely defend their feeding territories, which include patches of flowers, from both conspecifics and other hummingbird species.

The song of the Purple-throated Mountaingem is a high, thin, and dry medley of sputtering and warbling notes. Their calls are sharp and penetrating, often described as "trrrt" or a buzzy "zeet" or "zeep," with higher-pitched, scratchy, chattering notes during interactions.

Breeding occurs from October to April, coinciding with the rainy season. Females single-handedly undertake nest building, incubation, and care for the nestlings. The nest is a thick-walled open cup adorned with moss and lichen, typically situated about 2 meters above ground. Incubation lasts 17 to 18 days, with fledging occurring 22 to 23 days post-hatch.

The Purple-throated Mountaingem primarily feeds on nectar, with males defending their feeding territories vigorously. Females, less territorial, often feed by trap-lining. They are the primary pollinators of certain Rubiaceae species. Insects also form part of their diet, with males capturing them by hawking from a perch and females employing hover-gleaning tactics.

The IUCN has classified the Purple-throated Mountaingem as Least Concern. The population, estimated between 50,000 and 500,000 mature individuals, is believed to be decreasing. However, despite some habitat alteration by humans, much of their habitat remains intact, and the species has shown strong resilience to these changes.


The Black-faced Solitaire, Myadestes melanops, is a member of the thrush family, Turdidae, notable for its slate gray plumage and distinctive facial markings. The adult bird's visage is adorned with a black mask that extends over its face and chin, providing a stark contrast to its broad orange bill. The wings and tail are edged with slate-black, and when in flight, the silvery-white underwing coverts are conspicuously displayed. The legs of this bird are a striking orange, and the average weight is a mere 33 grams.

When identifying the Black-faced Solitaire, look for its slim build, measuring between 16 and 18.5 centimeters in length. The juvenile can be recognized by buff streaks on the head and upper parts, and a mottling of buff and brown on the underparts. Observers should also note the bird's unique flight pattern, where the silvery-white underwing coverts are particularly visible.

This species thrives in the dense undergrowth and bamboo clumps of wet mountain forests, typically found at altitudes ranging from 750 to 3,000 meters.

Endemic to the highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama, the Black-faced Solitaire may disperse to lower altitudes of around 400 meters during the wet season.

The Black-faced Solitaire is known to form loose flocks in the wet season. It is a bird that usually forages low in the vegetation, but it is not uncommon for it to ascend into the canopy or venture into trees within pastures in pursuit of sustenance.

25-3-2017 CATIE CENTER, COSTA RICA - BOAT BILLED HERON (Cochlearius cochlearius)

The boat-billed heron (Cochlearius cochlearius), colloquially known as the boatbill, is an atypical member of the heron family. It is the only member of the genus Cochlearius and was formerly placed in a monotypic family, the Cochleariidae. It lives in mangrove swamps from Mexico south to Peru and Brazil. It is a nocturnal bird, and breeds semicolonially in mangrove trees, laying two to four bluish-white eggs in a twig nest.

23-3-2017 TROGON LODGE, COSTA RICA - ACORN WOODPECKER (Melanerpes formicivorus)

The Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) is a medium-sized bird, notable for its striking appearance and unique behaviors. It measures approximately 21 cm (8.3 inches) in length and weighs around 85 g (3.0 oz). The species exhibits sexual dimorphism, with males sporting a vibrant red cap starting at the forehead, while females have a black area separating the forehead from the cap. Both sexes have a brownish-black head, back, wings, and tail, contrasted by a white forehead, throat, belly, and rump. A distinctive feature is the white patches on their neck, throat, and forehead, as well as white circles on their wings, which are particularly visible during flight.

When observing Acorn Woodpeckers, look for the white irises that develop a few months after fledging, the greenish feathers on the small of their backs, and the characteristic white wing patches in flight. Their undulating flight pattern, consisting of a series of flaps followed by a drop, is also a key identification marker. The males' red cap and the females' black forehead area are useful for sex differentiation.

This species thrives in forested areas rich in oak trees, which are essential for their diet and nesting habits. They are commonly found in the coastal regions and foothills of Oregon, California, and the southwestern United States, extending south through Central America to Colombia.

The Acorn Woodpecker's range spans from Oregon in the United States to north Baja California in Mexico, and from southwest USA to southeast Mexico, with populations also found in Central America down to Colombia.

Acorn Woodpeckers are known for their complex social structures and cooperative breeding systems. They live and breed in family groups that can include up to 15 individuals. These groups may consist of monogamous pairs or polygynandrous collectives with multiple breeding males and females, along with non-breeding helpers that are typically offspring from previous seasons.

The species is renowned for its distinctive call, which resembles laughter, adding a touch of whimsy to their forested habitats.

Breeding in Acorn Woodpeckers is a communal affair, with multiple females laying eggs in a single nest cavity. The group's breeding males, often related as brothers or fathers and sons, compete for mating opportunities with all breeding females within the group. These females, usually sisters or a mother and her daughter, lay their eggs together, creating a shared brood.

True to their name, Acorn Woodpeckers rely heavily on acorns as a food source. They meticulously store these acorns in specially drilled holes in granaries, which can be trees, poles, or wooden structures. The granaries are fiercely defended from potential thieves. In addition to acorns, they also feed on insects, sap, and fruit, showcasing their adaptability.

The Acorn Woodpecker is currently listed as Least Concern by the IUCN. However, habitat loss and competition for nesting cavities, particularly in urbanized areas, pose threats to their populations. Conservation efforts focus on preserving mature oak forests and providing suitable nesting and granary sites.

While the Acorn Woodpecker has a unique appearance and behavior, it could potentially be confused with other woodpecker species in its range. Observers should note the specific patterns of white and the red cap in males to distinguish it from its relatives.


The golden-hooded tanager (Stilpnia larvata) is a medium-sized passerine bird. This tanager is a resident breeder from southern Mexico south to western Ecuador.

Adult golden-hooded tanagers are 13 cm (5.1 in) long and weigh 19 g (0.67 oz). The adult male has a golden head with a black eyemask edged with violet blue above and below. The upperparts of the body are black apart from the turquoise shoulders, rump and edgings of the wings and tail. The flanks are blue and the central belly is white. Females have a greenish tinge to the head, sometimes with black speckling on the crown, and more extensively white underparts. Immatures are duller, with a green head, dark grey upperparts, off-white underparts, and little blue in the plumage.

The golden-hooded tanager's call is a sharp tsit and the song is a tuneless rattled series of tick sounds.

It resides from sea level to 1,500 m (4,900 ft) altitude in the canopy of dense forests and semi-open areas like clearings, second growth and well-vegetated gardens.

Golden-hooded tanagers occur in pairs, family groups or as part of a mixed-species feeding flock. They eat certain small fruit (e.g. of Trophis racemosa (Moraceae) usually swallowed whole, and insects are also taken.

The cup nest is built in a tree fork or in a bunch of green bananas, and the normal clutch is two brown-blotched white eggs. This species is often double-brooded, and the young birds from the first clutch assist with feeding the second brood of chicks.

Thursday, 23 March 2017


The golden-olive woodpecker (Colaptes rubiginosus) is a species of bird in the subfamily Picinae of the woodpecker family Picidae. It is found from Mexico south and east through Panama, in every mainland South American country except Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and Trinidad and Tobago.

The golden-olive woodpecker was originally described as the "brown woodpecker" (Picus rubiginosus). It was later placed in the genus Piculus but since about 2007 has been moved into Colaptes by taxonomic systems.

23-3-2017 UVITA, COSTA RICA - BLUE FOOTED BOOBY (Sula nebouxii)

The Blue-footed Booby, Sula nebouxii, is a marine bird of the family Sulidae, easily identified by its vivid blue feet—a trait derived from its diet and used in mating displays. The female, slightly larger than the male, can reach up to 90 cm in length with a wingspan of 1.5 meters.

Adults have long, pointed brown wings, a light brown neck and head with white streaks, and a pure white underbelly. Their eyes are yellow, with males exhibiting a more intense hue. Chicks are covered in soft white down with black beaks and feet. The subspecies S. n. excisa from the Galápagos is larger with lighter plumage around the neck and head.

The Blue-footed Booby's natural breeding grounds are the tropical and subtropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, where it nests in large colonies on bare black lava.

This species ranges from the Gulf of California down the western coasts of Central and South America to Peru, with approximately half of all breeding pairs nesting on the Galápagos Islands.

The Blue-footed Booby is known for its elaborate mating dance, where males display their blue feet and strut before females. They are monogamous, potentially bigamous, and opportunistic breeders with a cycle every 8 to 9 months.

These birds communicate with raucous grunts or shouts and thin whistling noises, with mates recognizing each other by their unique calls.

Courtship involves the male showing off his blue feet and performing a dance that includes "sky-pointing." Females lay two to three eggs, which are incubated by both parents using their feet for warmth over a period of 41–45 days.

Blue-footed Boobies primarily eat fish, such as sardines and anchovies, diving from great heights or swimming underwater to catch their prey. They hunt alone or in groups, often in the early morning or late afternoon.


The black-throated trogon, also known as yellow-bellied trogon, (Trogon rufus) is a near passerine bird in the trogon family, Trogonidae. Although it is also called "yellow-bellied trogon" it is not the only trogon with a yellow belly. It breeds in lowlands from Honduras south to western Ecuador and northern Argentina.