Tuesday 2 April 2024

18-10-2015 LAKELAND, THURROCK - CANADA GOOSE (Branta canadensis) (JUVENILE) NIKON P900


A big, brownish, black and white goose. Differs from Barnacle Goose by a light brownish breast and a more brownish body. Base of bill and forehead black. White tail-coverts but black tail-feathers, and uniformly dark brown wings. Generally gives a large and long-necked impression, but different subspecies shows a lot of variation.

In recent years, Canada goose populations in some areas have grown substantially, so much so that many consider them pests for their droppings, bacteria in their droppings, noise, and confrontational behavior. This problem is partially due to the removal of natural predators and an abundance of safe, human-made bodies of water near food sources, such as those found on golf courses, in public parks and beaches, on sports fields, and in planned communities. Due in part to the interbreeding of various migratory subspecies with the introduced non-migratory giant subspecies, Canada geese are frequently a year-round feature of such urban environments.

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