Monday, 23 October 2023


The southeastern Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica), or the Spanish ibex, is an ibex that is endemic to Spain and is the only wild caprine native to Spain. It is a subspecies of the Iberian ibex.

The Spanish ibex inhabits the Sierra Nevada, Sierra de las Nieves Natural Park, Sierra de Cazorla, Sierra de Grazalema, Montes de Málaga, in Andalucia. It also occurs in the Sierra Morena. Outside Andalucia, it can be found in the Montes de Toledo and in the mountains all along the Spanish Mediterranean, with populations as far north as southern Catalonia.


Saturday, 21 October 2023


 Zelotes is a genus of ground spiders that was first described by J. Gistel in 1848.


The Sickle-bearing Leaf Katydid is widely distributed throughout Africa, the Mid-East, southern Europe and nearby oceanic islands. In South Africa, it can be found in all provinces.

This species is most often found in tree canopies but in open areas such as the Succulent or Nama Karoo, they inhabit low bushes or dense vegetation along rivers.

Friday, 20 October 2023


 Apocynaceae (/əˌpɑːsəˈneɪsiˌaɪ, -siːˌiː/, from Apocynum, Greek for "dog-away") is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, and vines, commonly known as the dogbane family, because some taxa were used as dog poison. Members of the family are native to the European, Asian, African, Australian, and American tropics or subtropics, with some temperate members. The former family Asclepiadaceae (now known as Asclepiadoideae) is considered a subfamily of Apocynaceae and contains 348 genera. A list of Apocynaceae genera may be found here.

Many species are tall trees found in tropical forests, but some grow in tropical dry (xeric) environments. Also perennial herbs from temperate zones occur. Many of these plants have milky latex, and many species are poisonous if ingested, the family being rich in genera containing alkaloids and cardiac glycosides, those containing the latter often finding use as arrow poisons. Some genera of Apocynaceae, such as Adenium, bleed clear sap without latex when damaged, and others, such as Pachypodium, have milky latex apart from their sap.

Thursday, 19 October 2023

25-6-2020 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - WAVE MOTH (Idaea mediaria)

Idaea mediaria is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is found in south-western Europe, Corsica, Sardinia, Tuscany and North Africa. The preferred habitat consists of dry and hot areas at elevations from 1,300–1,900 metres (4,300–6,200 ft) above sea level.

The wingspan is 14–19 millimetres (0.55–0.75 in). The adults fly from July to September. 

The larvae feed on various herbaceous plants.

18-11-2016 MAGWE, MYANMAR - ASIAN GREEN BEE-EATER (Merops orientalis)

The Asian green bee-eater (Merops orientalis), also known as little green bee-eater, and green bee-eater in Sri Lanka, is a near passerine bird in the bee-eater family. It is resident but prone to seasonal movements and is found widely distributed across Asia from coastal southern Iran east through the Indian subcontinent to Vietnam. Populations in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula that were formerly assigned to this species (under the name green bee-eater) are now considered distinct species: the African green bee-eater and the Arabian green bee-eater. They are mainly insect eaters and they are found in grassland, thin scrub and forest often quite far from water. Several regional plumage variations are known and several subspecies have been named.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

18-10-2023 CREU DE LONGA, VALENCIA - GREY HERON (Ardea cinerea)

Grey herons occur in most parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Over much of their range, these birds are resident, but populations from the more northerly parts of Europe migrate southwards; some remain in Central and Southern Europe, and others travel on to Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Grey herons can be found anywhere with suitable watery habitats that can supply their food. Although most common in the lowlands, they also occur in mountain tarns, lakes, reservoirs, large and small rivers, marshes, ponds, ditches, flooded areas, coastal lagoons, estuaries, and seashore. They sometimes forage away from water in the pasture, and can even be found in desert areas, hunting for beetles and lizards.


The lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus) is a large gull that breeds on the Atlantic coasts of Europe. It is migratory, wintering from the British Isles south to West Africa. It has increased dramatically in North America, most common along the east coast. Formerly just a winter visitor, many birds are now spotted year-round. Some winters they occur in large numbers. Even on the west coast, this species has become an annual winter visitor in California with birds reported around most of the state each winter. They've even been seen in numbers at the Salton Sea. There is now serious concern about declines in many parts of the species range. The species is now on the RSPB Amber List because the UK is home to 40 per cent of the European population and more than half of these are found at fewer than ten sites.

This species breeds colonially on coasts and lakes, making a lined nest on the ground or a cliff. Normally, three eggs are laid. In some cities, the species nests within the urban environment, often in association with herring gulls.

They are omnivores like most Larus gulls, and they eat fish, insects, crustaceans, worms, starfish, molluscs, seeds, berries, small mammals, eggs, small birds, chicks, scraps, offal, and carrion.

19-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - EMERALD MOTH (Phaiogramma faustinata)

The larva feeds polyphagous in the herb layer. In Tenerife, I found it on Lotus glaucus and in La Gomera on Lotus glinoides.

Phaiogramma faustinata occurs mostly in dry and warm lowland habitats.

Phaiogramma faustinata flies in several generations per year. In the Canaries it occurs throughout the year. The larvae live well concealed near the ground on the plants.

In Europe, Phaiogramma faustinata is endangered due to the destroyment of coastal areas by tourism, urbanization and agriculture.

Phaiogramma faustinata occurs in North Africa (south to Sudan), the Canaries, southernmost Europe (coastal areas of southern Portugal, Spain and rarely also Southern France, Balearic Islands, Sicily, Malta, Crete, Cyprus and from the Near East to the Arabian Peninsula.

19-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - BROAD NOSED WEEVIL (Rhytideres plicatus)

Insect with a length of 6.5 to 14 mm. Oblong, depressed dorsally, black, covered dorsally with oval, strongly imbricate scales, gray, yellow or brown, with some more numerous bristles lying down, arched, not very distinguishable in profile, irregularly arranged in two or three rows in the elytral interstriations; ventrally covered with the same scales, paler, generally denser with many fine hairs; elytral pattern composed of two oblique clear spots, located in front of the middle, and a common, wavy, transverse postmedian fascia, also clear; This design is usually surrounded by a brown or black border. Legs brown, densely scaled. Escape and antenna club with a brown clothing; the ashen funiculus. Abdomen with two brown spots located at the base of the 1st segment and two other larger ones, occupying the 3rd and 4th segments in the middle and sometimes exceeding in front at the base of the 2nd. Densely scaly face, like the head, provided with a deep median groove that reaches the forehead, the interocular fossa, and a lateral groove, which ends in front of the eye. Prothorax presenting deep, strongly wavy or subrectilinear longitudinal folds, the median groove wider, often forming oval or oblong dimples in front and behind. Elytra oblong, subparallel to the posterior third; strongly striated-dotted, the points large, tight, each provided with a small oval scamula; narrow, convex interstriations. Setosulate legs; femora generally with a clear ring towards its apical third. Male: Base of the metasternum and the first two abdominal segments widely provided with points together.



The western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) is a large harrier, a bird of prey from temperate and subtropical western Eurasia and adjacent Africa. It is also known as the Eurasian marsh harrier. Formerly, a number of relatives were included in C. aeruginosus, which was then known as "marsh harrier". The related taxa are now generally considered to be separate species: the eastern marsh harrier (C. spilonotus), the Papuan harrier (C. spilothorax) of eastern Asia and the Wallacea, the swamp harrier (C. approximans) of Australasia and the Madagascar marsh harrier (C. maillardi) of the western Indian Ocean islands.

The western marsh harrier is often divided into two subspecies, the widely migratory C. a. aeruginosus which is found across most of its range, and C. a. harterti which is resident all-year in north-west Africa.


Tuesday, 17 October 2023


Surroundings of the town: cereal fields, olive trees, almond trees and orchards, surrounded by holm oak and repopulated pine forests (black, wild and to a lesser extent stone pine). Riverside forest in some nearby ravines.

16-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - JASMINE MOTH (Palpita vitrealis)

 Palpita vitrealis, common name jasmine moth or white pearl, is a species of moth of the family Crambidae.

This species occurs worldwide, including Africa (Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa), Asia, Australia and Europe. In Europe, it is mainly found in southern Europe, but may be found further north.

The wingspan of Palpita vitrealis can reach 27–31 mm. The body and the wings are translucent with a slight sheen. Eyes are large and reddish-brown. On the upper edge of the forewings is present a rather broad orange or brown border. The forewings also show two black spots in the middle. Legs are white and brown ringed.

These moths mainly fly from August till late October, depending on the location. They feed on nectar of various flowers, including ivy and buddleia. This species shows a migratory nature. The larvae are initially yellow, later becoming green. They can grow to a length of about 2 cms. They feed on the leaves of the host plants, mainly jasmine (Jasminum officinale), privet (Ligustrum species), Forsythia, Arbutus unedo and european olive (Olea europaea).  In Africa the preferred host plants are Sida rhombifolia, Grewia, Helicteres isora, Schima noronhae and Randia scortechinii.  The larvae are considered a pest of olive fields, as they attack the leaves and fruits. The final instar of the larvae spins some leaves together and form a silky cocoon to pupate.

Monday, 16 October 2023

17-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - SMALL BLOOD VEIN MOTH (Scopula imitaria)

 Scopula imitaria, the small blood-vein, is a moth of the family Geometridae. It was first described by Jacob Hübner in 1799 and it is found throughout Europe and in North Africa.

The wingspan is 12–26 mm. (1st generation); the next generation is typically much smaller and reaches no more than 18 mm. The forewing leading edge (costa) forms an acute angle with the outer edge forming a sharp point. The hindwings also come to a sharp angle in the middle of the outer edge (a "tail"). The pattern and colouring are variable. The wings are reddish, yellowish or orange to light brown. The lines and marginal line are almost always clear, but fine. The median crossline is clearly developed and inclined slightly diagonally to the inner and outer crossline. It is slightly curved and very weakly wavy and often accompanied by a distal facing shadow. The interior and exterior crosslines are slightly wavy (more clearly than the median line). The hindwings have the pattern, however they often lack the inner crossline. The outer cross line shows a pointed bulge outwards, which follows the "tail" of the perimeter. Discal flecks are only sometimes present or weak, They are more pronounced on the hindwing. The discal fleck of the hindwings sits on the outside of the medium line or in the "shadow". On the forewing it is basal to the median line.

17-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - PUG MOTH (Eupithecia cocciferata)

Eupithecia cocciferata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found on the Iberian Peninsula, in France, Italy, Croatia, North Macedonia and on Corsica and Sardinia, as well as in North Africa.


The speckled wood (Pararge aegeria) is a butterfly found in and on the borders of woodland areas throughout much of the Palearctic realm. The species is subdivided into multiple subspecies, including Pararge aegeria aegeria, Pararge aegeria tircis, Pararge aegeria oblita, and Pararge aegeria insula. The color of this butterfly varies between subspecies. The existence of these subspecies is due to variation in morphology down a gradient corresponding to a geographic cline. The background of the wings ranges from brown to orange, and the spots are either pale yellow, white, cream, or a tawny orange. The speckled wood feeds on a variety of grass species. The males of this species exhibit two types of mate locating behaviors: territorial defense and patrolling. The proportion of males exhibiting these two strategies changes based on ecological conditions. The monandrous female must choose which type of male can help her reproduce successfully. Her decision is heavily influenced by environmental conditions.

16-10-2023 BELLUS, VALENCIA - EASTERN IBERIAN PSAMMODROMUS (Psammodromus edwarsianus)

 The East Iberian sand racer or East Iberian psammodromus (Psammodromus edwarsianus) is a species of lizards in the family Lacertidae. It is found in Spain and France.

17-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - TAWNY COCKROACH (Ectobius pallidus)

Ectobius pallidus, the tawny cockroach, is a species of non-cosmopolitan cockroach in the family Ectobiidae. It occurs in southern England, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Portugal; in North Africa: Algeria and Tunisia. It is now known to be introduced into North America.

Subspecies include:

Ectobius pallidus chopardi Adelung, 1917

Ectobius pallidus minor Ramme, 1923

Ectobius pallidus pallidus (Turton, 1806) – type

Ectobius pallidus punctulatus (Fieber, 1853)

Sunday, 15 October 2023

15-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - BLUE ROCK THRUSH (MALE) (Monticola solitarius)

The blue rock thrush (Monticola solitarius) is a species of chat. This thrush-like Old World flycatcher was formerly placed in the family Turdidae. It breeds in southern Europe, northwest Africa, and from Central Asia to northern China and Malaysia. The blue rock thrush is the official national bird of Malta (the word for it in Maltese being Merill) and was shown on the Lm 1 coins that were part of the country's former currency.

15-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - SESAME LEAFROLLER (Antigastra catalaunalis)

Antigastra catalaunalis is a species of moth of the family Crambidae. The species was first described by Philogène Auguste Joseph Duponchel in 1833. It is endemic to tropical and subtropical areas (South Asia, Malay Archipelago, Africa), but is also found in other areas due to its migratory nature.

The wingspan is 19–22 mm. The forewings are pale yellow, veins and margins suffused with ferruginous, sometimes almost obscuring ground-colour; lines ferruginous, second strongly curved outwards on upper 2/3 ; small orbicular and discal spot fuscous ; cilia whitish, base dark fuscous. Hindwings are yellow whitish, ferruginous-tinged, termen more ferruginous ; a cloudy grey postmedian costal spot.

The larvae feed on snapdragons (Antirrhinum species), common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), trumpetbush (Tecoma species), Scrophulariaceae and Pedaliaceae species.

15-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - STINK BUG (Acrosternum millierei)

Acrosternum millierei is a species of insects with 469 observations.


15-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - VESTAL MOTH (Rhodometra sacraria)

Rhodometra sacraria, the vestal, is a moth of the family Geometridae. The species was first described by Carl Linnaeus in his 1767 12th edition of Systema Naturae.

It can be found throughout Europe, in the Near East, in North Africa, in the Afrotropical realm and in large parts of Asia. It is also found in South America (Chile and Argentina).

Rhodometra sacraria inhabits meadows, forest clearing, paths, gardens and urban environments.

Usually these moths rest with a tent-like posture on twigs and herbs, with the wings parallel to each other. They fly from April to October in the Northern Hemisphere. They are nocturnal, attracted to light and migrant. These moths breed in North Africa and in southern Europe, since they require constant warmth. The eggs are relatively long, yellowish, with distinct red spots.

The caterpillars mimic twigs and therefore they are quite difficult to locate. They are slender and reach a length of about 25 millimetres. The basic colour is pale brown or green, with a whitish underside. The green forms usually show a dark brown or reddish irregular stripe on the back. The head is reddish brown and relatively small.

These caterpillars feed on knotgrass, dock, Anthemis, Emex, Oxygonum, Persicaria, Rhus and other low growing plants. The pupa can reach a length of 9.2 mm and a diameter of about 2.7 mm. It is yellowish brown coloured, with dark spots.

Rhodometra sacraria has a wingspan reaching 22–28 mm, while the length of the forewings is 12–14 mm. The late generations are smaller and the wingspan has an average of 16–26 mm. These moths are easily distinguishable from the mahogany or pink stripe, located on yellowish or cream background, crossing diagonally the dorsal sides of the upperwings from the posterior margin up to the apex. Discal spots are usually present and have the same colour as the postmedial line.

The dorsal sides of the hindwings are whitish and unmarked. The fringes on the wings are mostly in the basic colour. The abdomen is pure white. Head and thorax are straw yellow. In males the antennae are bipectinated to three-fourths length. The hind tibiae bear two pairs of spurs.

The intensity and the extent of the pink pigmentation is rather variable, depending on the seasonal temperature in the development of the pupae.

Saturday, 14 October 2023

14-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - CARPET MOTH (Euphyia frustata)

 Euphyia frustata is a moth of the family Geometridae. The species can be found in Europe. The wingspan is about 28 to 34 mm.

14-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - ANGLE MOTH (Isturgia miniosaria)

Isturgia miniosaria is a species of moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in France, Spain and Portugal. It is also found in North Africa, including Morocco.

The larvae feed on the flowers of Genista and Ulex species.

Friday, 13 October 2023


The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a species of hawk moth found across temperate regions of Eurasia. The species is named for its similarity to hummingbirds, as they feed on the nectar of tube-shaped flowers using their long proboscis while hovering in the air; this resemblance is an example of convergent evolution.

The hummingbird hawk-moth was first described by Carl Linnaeus in his 1758 10th edition of Systema Naturae. As of 2018, its entire genome and mitogenome have been sequenced.

The hummingbird hawk-moth is distributed throughout the northern Old World from Portugal to Japan, but it breeds mainly in warmer climates (southern Europe, North Africa, and points east). Three generations are produced in a year in Spain.

It is a strong flier, dispersing widely in the summer. However it rarely survives the winter in northern latitudes (e.g. north of the Alps in Europe, north of the Caucasus in Russia).

Moths in the genus Hemaris, also of the family Sphingidae, are known as "hummingbird moths" in the US, and "bee moths" in Europe. This sometimes causes confusion between this species and the North American genus.

The forewings are brown, with black wavy lines across them, while the hindwings are orange with a black edge. The abdomen is quite broad, with a fan-tail of setae at the end. The wingspan is 40–45 millimetres (1.6–1.8 in).

In the southern parts of its range, the hummingbird hawk-moth is highly active even when temperatures are high, and thoracic temperatures above 45 °C (113 °F) have been measured. This is among the highest recorded for hawk-moths, and near the limit for insect muscle activity.

Two or more broods are produced each year. The adult may be encountered at any time of the year, especially in the south of the range, where there may be three or four broods. It overwinters as an adult in a crevice among rocks, trees, and buildings. On very warm days it may emerge to feed in mid-winter. Unlike other moths, they have no sexual dimorphism in the size of their antennal lobes. 


Menemerus semilimbatus is a spider in the family Salticidae.

Menemerus semilimbatus are about 6.5–8.4 millimetres (0.26–0.33 in) long, the male being slightly smaller than the female. These fairly big jumping spiders are dorso-ventrally flattened and are covered with short dense, grayish-white hairs, with hairy whitish palps and a white band on the side margins of the carapace, showing also a small white, triangular marking in the middle. The eyes are large and forward-facing. The legs are light brown with darker rings and patches, while the abdomen is dorsally yellowish or grayish, with a characteristic pattern of several bright V-shaped markings. The females show a notch at the posterior edge of the epigyne and two oval depressions in the anterior half.

Menemerus semilimbatus is a Mediterranean species widely distributed in Europe, southern Asia and in Africa. In the Americas, it has been reported for Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and USA.

These spiders are synanthropic living in gardens and inside and on the outside of houses. It is usually found on the walls of buildings where it stalks its prey.


Rhynchium oculatum is a large potter wasp up to 3 centimeters in size. It is coppery red and may have yellow markings on its abdomen. The ends of the wings appear darkened.

In the adult state, it drinks nectar from flowers, contributing to the pollination of various species. It lives solitary and builds nests, preferably in abandoned galleries of wood-eating beetles in old logs; In them he arranges various cells delimited by mud walls and fills them with several paralyzed caterpillars as a larder for when the eggs hatch. Once the gallery is filled, seal the exit with more mud and repeat the process in another tunnel.

It lives near watercourses, grasslands, wetlands, orchards, gardens and urban parks. It has a wide distribution throughout southern Europe.

13-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - LESSER BLOODY NOSE BEETLE (Timarcha goettingensis)

Timarcha goettingensis, commonly known as the Small Bloody-nosed Beetle or the Lesser Bloody-nosed Beetle is a species of leaf beetle native to Europe.

T. goettingensis is a shiny blue-black, violet-copper, or black beetle measuring 8–13 mm in length. Visually it may be confused with Timarcha tenebricosa, but this beetle is larger (11–18 mm) and is more constricted on the base of its pronotum than T. goettingensis. Timarcha goettingensis may also be visually confused with Chrysolina sturmi.

13-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - WAVE MOTH (Idaea eugeniata)

Idaea eugeniata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Italy, France, Andorra, Spain, Portugal and North Africa.

The wingspan is 21–22 mm for males and 24–25 mm for females.

The larvae are polyphagous and have been recorded feeding on various herbaceous plants.


13-10-2023 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - PUG MOTH (Eupithecia oxycedrata)

 Eupithecia oxycedrata is a species of moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Spain, southern Portugal, the Balearic Islands, southern France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Crete, western Romania and the Crimea. It is also found in North Africa, from Morocco to Tunisia, and in Turkey. The habitat consists of dry maquis, especially where junipers grow.

The wingspan is 16-19.5 mm. There are two generations per year, with adults on wing from early April to late June and again from early September to mid October.

The larvae feed on the needles and flowers of Juniperus oxycedrus.