Showing posts with label PLANTAIN FAMILY (Antirrhinum controversum). Show all posts
Showing posts with label PLANTAIN FAMILY (Antirrhinum controversum). Show all posts

Friday, 7 May 2021

7-5-2021 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - PLANTAIN FAMILY (Antirrhinum controversum)

Maximum size 150 cm
Walls, rocks, rock fissures, landings, roadsides , on limestone substrates between 100 and 1500 meters of altitude.
Blooms between February and October
Iberian Distribution
It is included in the Red List of the Vascular Flora of Andalusia
Category LC Least concern


Monday, 11 February 2019

11-2-2019 JALON, ALICANTE - PLANTAIN FAMILY (Antirrhinum controversum)

The native range of this species is S. Portugal, S. & E. Spain, N. Morocco. It is a subshrub and grows primarily in the subtropical biome.

Friday, 16 March 2018

11-5-2016 ALCOY, ALICANTE - PLANTAIN FAMILY (Antirrhinum controversum)

Flower Color: Pale pink.
Flowering: February to November.
Ecology: Ruderal and rock-covered vegetation. It grows in fissures and rocky landings, on walls, on the edge of roads and in stony areas. It is indifferent to the substrate, with a marked preference for limestone. It grows in places with disturbed, rocky or stony soils, slightly nitrified, preferably in sunny to semi-shaded areas and in areas with mild winters.
Altitude range: 10 – 1,600 m.
Distribution: Iberian endemism . Dispersed throughout the southeastern third of the Iberian Peninsula.