Showing posts with label COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo). Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo). Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

26-6-2024 RACO DE OLLA, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The Common tern (Sterna hirundo) is a seabird that has a circumpolar distribution. it has four subspecies breeding in temperate and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. Its large population and huge breeding range mean that this species is classed as being of least concern, although numbers in North America have declined sharply in recent decades.

Known for its attractive plumage and graceful flight, Common terns have a slender body and a smoothly rounded head, and long pointed wings. Their breeding plumage is light silvery-gray upperparts and clear black outer primaries on its wingtips. Outside the breeding season, the birds keep some of their distinguishable black cap, but their forehead and face turn white. Their legs and bill turn black, losing their orange-red coloration. Male and female are similar in appearance throughout the year. Juvenile Common terns have pale grey upper wings with a dark carpal bar. The crown and nape are brown, and the forehead is ginger, wearing to white by autumn. The upper parts are ginger with brown and white scaling, and the tail lacks the adult's long outer feathers. Birds in their first post-juvenile plumage, which normally remain in their wintering areas, resemble the non-breeding adult but have a duskier crown, dark carpal bar, and often very worn plumage. By their second year, most young terns are either indistinguishable from adults, or show only minor differences such as a darker bill or white forehead.

Common terns occur from northern Canada to the Caribbean Sea in the south, throughout Europe, Northern Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Outside of the mating season, these birds winter along the coasts of South America and Central America, along Africa’s coast and the Arabian Peninsula, as well as on islands in the Indian Ocean and throughout Australasia and much of Southeast Asia. They breed on sand spits, beaches and low-lying inshore islands. They also nest inland near slow-flowing rivers, and lakes in open country. This species favors areas that have close shallow waters where they can fish. During migration, they are mainly seen along coasts, at freshwater inland lakes and in estuaries. During winter, they are mostly coastal, in warm tropical and subtropical waters.

Common terns are diurnal birds and they live in colonies with no clear hierarchy among them, with all seeming to be equal. Although Common terns all migrate and live together, the family unit is responsible to feed and care for its own eggs and chicks, and individuals will often defend feeding territories. This species forages by flying above water and hovering, often plunge-diving to catch prey under the surface. It will also swim as it picks up food from the surface of the water or just below it. A highly migratory bird, it leaves the breeding grounds for the wintering sites typically from August to October, soon after all the chicks fledge. These birds communicate mostly by means of their unusual, hoarse voices, having three different and distinct calls. Communication during mating is mainly visual and/or tactile.

Common terns are monogamous, which means they mate with only one partner during a breeding season. At the time of courtship, which starts in April, males establish their territories within the colony before commencing what is known as "courtship feeding," where a male brings a fish to a female to court her. Courtship displays include the male posturing followed by the pair circling each other. Eggs are laid from April to June. Common terns usually breed in huge colonies, though there may be some isolated pairs. Both parents construct their nest on bare ground, sometimes with low vegetation surrounding it or on dead floating vegetation. 2-3 eggs are laid and are incubated by both parents for 21-25 days. Chicks leave their nest after several days, but remain nearby and their parents still feed them. They fledge at around 22-28 days old, remaining in the family group for at least another two months. Common terns become reproductively mature at 3 years of age.

Sunday, 23 April 2023

23-4-2023 RACO DE OLLA, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The common tern is an agile flyer, capable of rapid turns and swoops, hovering, and vertical take-off. When commuting with fish, it flies close to the surface in a strong head wind, but 10–30 m (33–98 ft) above the water in a following wind. Unless migrating, normally it stays below 100 m (330 ft), and averages 30 km/h (19 mph) in the absence of a tail wind.[5] Its average flight speed during the nocturnal migration flight is 43–54 km/h (27–34 mph)[22] at a height of 1,000–3,000 m (3,300–9,800 ft).

Thursday, 13 July 2017

12-7-2017 RACO DE OLLA, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The Common Tern, Sterna hirundo, is a slender seabird with a circumpolar distribution, breeding in temperate and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. It is a migratory species, wintering in coastal tropical and subtropical regions. Adults display light grey upperparts, white to very light grey underparts, and a black cap. Their legs are orange-red, and they possess a narrow pointed bill, which varies in color between subspecies.

To identify the Common Tern, look for its pale grey upper wings, which develop a dark feather shaft as the season progresses, creating a grey wedge. The rump and tail are white, and the tail extends no further than the folded wingtips when the bird is standing. The bill is mostly red with a black tip or entirely black, depending on the subspecies. In non-breeding adults, the forehead and underparts become white, and the bill turns black.

Common Terns are found nesting on flat, poorly vegetated surfaces close to water, such as beaches, islands, and artificial substrates like floating rafts. They adapt to a variety of habitats, from the taiga to tropical shores, and avoid excessively rainy, windy, or icy areas.

This species has a wide breeding range, encompassing Europe, North Africa, Asia, and North America. It migrates to winter along the coasts of Central and South America, Africa, and southern Asia, with some populations remaining partially migratory in the Caribbean.

Common Terns are agile flyers, capable of rapid turns, hovering, and vertical take-off. They are known for their powerful, direct flight and can fly at speeds averaging 30 km/h, increasing during migration. They breed in colonies, often alongside other seabird species, and exhibit strong territorial behavior.

The Common Tern has a distinctive alarm call, a KEE-yah, and a repertoire of other vocalizations used for communication within the colony and with their chicks. Parents and chicks recognize each other's calls, aiding in maintaining family bonds.

Breeding involves aerial courtship displays and ground rituals. Nests are shallow scrapes, sometimes lined with debris. Clutch size is typically three eggs, camouflaged with blotchy patterns. Both sexes incubate, and chicks fledge in 22–28 days. Adults are defensive of their nest and young, often harassing intruders.

The Common Tern can be confused with the Arctic Tern, Roseate Tern, and Forster's Tern, but differences in plumage details, leg and bill color, and vocalizations aid in distinguishing them.

The diet consists mainly of fish, which they catch by plunge-diving, but may also include molluscs, crustaceans, and large insects. They forage up to 15 km from the breeding colony and may follow schools of fish or predatory fish to locate prey.

The Common Tern is classified as Least Concern, with a large population and extensive breeding range. However, threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and disturbance have led to declines in some areas, particularly in North America. Conservation efforts include habitat management and protection from human disturbance.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

21-6-2017 RACO DE OLLA, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

Common Terns are found nesting on flat, poorly vegetated surfaces close to water, such as beaches, islands, and artificial substrates like floating rafts. They adapt to a variety of habitats, from the taiga to tropical shores, and avoid excessively rainy, windy, or icy areas.

This species has a wide breeding range, encompassing Europe, North Africa, Asia, and North America. It migrates to winter along the coasts of Central and South America, Africa, and southern Asia, with some populations remaining partially migratory in the Caribbean.

Common Terns are agile flyers, capable of rapid turns, hovering, and vertical take-off. They are known for their powerful, direct flight and can fly at speeds averaging 30 km/h, increasing during migration. They breed in colonies, often alongside other seabird species, and exhibit strong territorial behavior.

The Common Tern has a distinctive alarm call, a KEE-yah, and a repertoire of other vocalizations used for communication within the colony and with their chicks. Parents and chicks recognize each other's calls, aiding in maintaining family bonds.

Breeding involves aerial courtship displays and ground rituals. Nests are shallow scrapes, sometimes lined with debris. Clutch size is typically three eggs, camouflaged with blotchy patterns. Both sexes incubate, and chicks fledge in 22–28 days. Adults are defensive of their nest and young, often harassing intruders.

The Common Tern can be confused with the Arctic Tern, Roseate Tern, and Forster's Tern, but differences in plumage details, leg and bill color, and vocalizations aid in distinguishing them.

The diet consists mainly of fish, which they catch by plunge-diving, but may also include molluscs, crustaceans, and large insects. They forage up to 15 km from the breeding colony and may follow schools of fish or predatory fish to locate prey.

The Common Tern is classified as Least Concern, with a large population and extensive breeding range. However, threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and disturbance have led to declines in some areas, particularly in North America. Conservation efforts include habitat management and protection from human disturbance.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

31-5-2017 MARJAL DE MOROS, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The Common Tern, Sterna hirundo, is a slender seabird with a circumpolar distribution, breeding in temperate and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. It is a migratory species, wintering in coastal tropical and subtropical regions. Adults display light grey upperparts, white to very light grey underparts, and a black cap. Their legs are orange-red, and they possess a narrow pointed bill, which varies in color between subspecies.

To identify the Common Tern, look for its pale grey upper wings, which develop a dark feather shaft as the season progresses, creating a grey wedge. The rump and tail are white, and the tail extends no further than the folded wingtips when the bird is standing. The bill is mostly red with a black tip or entirely black, depending on the subspecies. In non-breeding adults, the forehead and underparts become white, and the bill turns black.

Common Terns are found nesting on flat, poorly vegetated surfaces close to water, such as beaches, islands, and artificial substrates like floating rafts. They adapt to a variety of habitats, from the taiga to tropical shores, and avoid excessively rainy, windy, or icy areas.

This species has a wide breeding range, encompassing Europe, North Africa, Asia, and North America. It migrates to winter along the coasts of Central and South America, Africa, and southern Asia, with some populations remaining partially migratory in the Caribbean.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

26-5-2017 MARJOL DE MOROS, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The Common Tern, Sterna hirundo, is a slender seabird with a circumpolar distribution, breeding in temperate and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. It is a migratory species, wintering in coastal tropical and subtropical regions. Adults display light grey upperparts, white to very light grey underparts, and a black cap. Their legs are orange-red, and they possess a narrow pointed bill, which varies in color between subspecies.

To identify the Common Tern, look for its pale grey upper wings, which develop a dark feather shaft as the season progresses, creating a grey wedge. The rump and tail are white, and the tail extends no further than the folded wingtips when the bird is standing. The bill is mostly red with a black tip or entirely black, depending on the subspecies. In non-breeding adults, the forehead and underparts become white, and the bill turns black.

Common Terns are found nesting on flat, poorly vegetated surfaces close to water, such as beaches, islands, and artificial substrates like floating rafts. They adapt to a variety of habitats, from the taiga to tropical shores, and avoid excessively rainy, windy, or icy areas.

This species has a wide breeding range, encompassing Europe, North Africa, Asia, and North America. It migrates to winter along the coasts of Central and South America, Africa, and southern Asia, with some populations remaining partially migratory in the Caribbean.

Common Terns are agile flyers, capable of rapid turns, hovering, and vertical take-off. They are known for their powerful, direct flight and can fly at speeds averaging 30 km/h, increasing during migration. They breed in colonies, often alongside other seabird species, and exhibit strong territorial behavior.

The Common Tern has a distinctive alarm call, a KEE-yah, and a repertoire of other vocalizations used for communication within the colony and with their chicks. Parents and chicks recognize each other's calls, aiding in maintaining family bonds.

Breeding involves aerial courtship displays and ground rituals. Nests are shallow scrapes, sometimes lined with debris. Clutch size is typically three eggs, camouflaged with blotchy patterns. Both sexes incubate, and chicks fledge in 22–28 days. Adults are defensive of their nest and young, often harassing intruders.

The Common Tern can be confused with the Arctic Tern, Roseate Tern, and Forster's Tern, but differences in plumage details, leg and bill color, and vocalizations aid in distinguishing them.

The diet consists mainly of fish, which they catch by plunge-diving, but may also include molluscs, crustaceans, and large insects. They forage up to 15 km from the breeding colony and may follow schools of fish or predatory fish to locate prey.

The Common Tern is classified as Least Concern, with a large population and extensive breeding range. However, threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and disturbance have led to declines in some areas, particularly in North America. Conservation efforts include habitat management and protection from human disturbance.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

3-8-2016 ALBUFERA, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The Common tern (Sterna hirundo) is a seabird that has a circumpolar distribution. it has four subspecies breeding in temperate and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. Its large population and huge breeding range mean that this species is classed as being of least concern, although numbers in North America have declined sharply in recent decades.

Known for its attractive plumage and graceful flight, Common terns have a slender body and a smoothly rounded head, and long pointed wings. Their breeding plumage is light silvery-gray upperparts and clear black outer primaries on its wingtips. 

Outside the breeding season, the birds keep some of their distinguishable black cap, but their forehead and face turn white. Their legs and bill turn black, losing their orange-red coloration. Male and female are similar in appearance throughout the year. Juvenile Common terns have pale grey upper wings with a dark carpal bar. The crown and nape are brown, and the forehead is ginger, wearing to white by autumn. The upper parts are ginger with brown and white scaling, and the tail lacks the adult's long outer feathers. Birds in their first post-juvenile plumage, which normally remain in their wintering areas, resemble the non-breeding adult but have a duskier crown, dark carpal bar, and often very worn plumage. By their second year, most young terns are either indistinguishable from adults, or show only minor differences such as a darker bill or white forehead.

Common terns occur from northern Canada to the Caribbean Sea in the south, throughout Europe, Northern Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Outside of the mating season, these birds winter along the coasts of South America and Central America, along Africa’s coast and the Arabian Peninsula, as well as on islands in the Indian Ocean and throughout Australasia and much of Southeast Asia. They breed on sand spits, beaches and low-lying inshore islands. They also nest inland near slow-flowing rivers, and lakes in open country. This species favors areas that have close shallow waters where they can fish. During migration, they are mainly seen along coasts, at freshwater inland lakes and in estuaries. During winter, they are mostly coastal, in warm tropical and subtropical waters.

Saturday, 2 July 2016

29-6-2016 RACO DE OLLA, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The Common tern (Sterna hirundo) is a seabird that has a circumpolar distribution. it has four subspecies breeding in temperate and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. Its large population and huge breeding range mean that this species is classed as being of least concern, although numbers in North America have declined sharply in recent decades.

Known for its attractive plumage and graceful flight, Common terns have a slender body and a smoothly rounded head, and long pointed wings. Their breeding plumage is light silvery-gray upperparts and clear black outer primaries on its wingtips. Outside the breeding season, the birds keep some of their distinguishable black cap, but their forehead and face turn white. Their legs and bill turn black, losing their orange-red coloration. Male and female are similar in appearance throughout the year. Juvenile Common terns have pale grey upper wings with a dark carpal bar. The crown and nape are brown, and the forehead is ginger, wearing to white by autumn. The upper parts are ginger with brown and white scaling, and the tail lacks the adult's long outer feathers. Birds in their first post-juvenile plumage, which normally remain in their wintering areas, resemble the non-breeding adult but have a duskier crown, dark carpal bar, and often very worn plumage. By their second year, most young terns are either indistinguishable from adults, or show only minor differences such as a darker bill or white forehead.

Common terns occur from northern Canada to the Caribbean Sea in the south, throughout Europe, Northern Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Outside of the mating season, these birds winter along the coasts of South America and Central America, along Africa’s coast and the Arabian Peninsula, as well as on islands in the Indian Ocean and throughout Australasia and much of Southeast Asia. They breed on sand spits, beaches and low-lying inshore islands. They also nest inland near slow-flowing rivers, and lakes in open country. This species favors areas that have close shallow waters where they can fish. During migration, they are mainly seen along coasts, at freshwater inland lakes and in estuaries. During winter, they are mostly coastal, in warm tropical and subtropical waters.

Common terns are diurnal birds and they live in colonies with no clear hierarchy among them, with all seeming to be equal. Although Common terns all migrate and live together, the family unit is responsible to feed and care for its own eggs and chicks, and individuals will often defend feeding territories. This species forages by flying above water and hovering, often plunge-diving to catch prey under the surface. It will also swim as it picks up food from the surface of the water or just below it. A highly migratory bird, it leaves the breeding grounds for the wintering sites typically from August to October, soon after all the chicks fledge. These birds communicate mostly by means of their unusual, hoarse voices, having three different and distinct calls. Communication during mating is mainly visual and/or tactile.

Population size
1,6-3,6 Mlnlnn
Life Span
9-29 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
g oz 
cm inch 

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

15-6-2016 RACO DE OLLA, VALENCIA - COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo)

The Common tern (Sterna hirundo) is a seabird that has a circumpolar distribution. it has four subspecies breeding in temperate and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. Its large population and huge breeding range mean that this species is classed as being of least concern, although numbers in North America have declined sharply in recent decades.

Common terns occur from northern Canada to the Caribbean Sea in the south, throughout Europe, Northern Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Outside of the mating season, these birds winter along the coasts of South America and Central America, along Africa’s coast and the Arabian Peninsula, as well as on islands in the Indian Ocean and throughout Australasia and much of Southeast Asia. They breed on sand spits, beaches and low-lying inshore islands. They also nest inland near slow-flowing rivers, and lakes in open country. This species favors areas that have close shallow waters where they can fish. During migration, they are mainly seen along coasts, at freshwater inland lakes and in estuaries. During winter, they are mostly coastal, in warm tropical and subtropical waters.

Population size
1,6-3,6 Mlnlnn
Life Span
9-29 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
g oz 
cm inch 

Known for its attractive plumage and graceful flight, Common terns have a slender body and a smoothly rounded head, and long pointed wings. Their breeding plumage is light silvery-gray upperparts and clear black outer primaries on its wingtips. Outside the breeding season, the birds keep some of their distinguishable black cap, but their forehead and face turn white. Their legs and bill turn black, losing their orange-red coloration. Male and female are similar in appearance throughout the year. Juvenile Common terns have pale grey upper wings with a dark carpal bar. The crown and nape are brown, and the forehead is ginger, wearing to white by autumn. The upper parts are ginger with brown and white scaling, and the tail lacks the adult's long outer feathers. Birds in their first post-juvenile plumage, which normally remain in their wintering areas, resemble the non-breeding adult but have a duskier crown, dark carpal bar, and often very worn plumage. By their second year, most young terns are either indistinguishable from adults, or show only minor differences such as a darker bill or white forehead.