Showing posts with label COMMON HOUSE MARTIN (Delichon urbicum). Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMMON HOUSE MARTIN (Delichon urbicum). Show all posts

Sunday, 6 August 2023

6-8-2023 LLUTXENT, VALENCIA - COMMON HOUSE MARTIN (Delichon urbicum)

The western house martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes called the common house martin, northern house martin or, particularly in Europe, just house martin, is a migratory passerine bird of the swallow family which breeds in Europe, north Africa and across the Palearctic; and winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. It feeds on insects which are caught in flight, and it migrates to climates where flying insects are plentiful. It has a blue head and upperparts, white rump and pure white underparts, and is found in both open country and near human habitation. It is similar in appearance to the two other martin species of the genus Delichon, which are both endemic to eastern and southern Asia. It has two accepted subspecies.

Both the scientific and colloquial name of the bird are related to its use of human-made structures. It builds a closed cup nest from mud pellets under eaves or similar locations on buildings usually in colonies.

It is hunted by the Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo), and like other birds is affected by internal parasites and external fleas and mites, although its large range and population mean that it is not threatened globally.

The western house martin breeds across temperate Eurosiberia east to central Mongolia and the Yenisei River, and in Morocco, Tunisia and northern Algeria, and migrates on a broad front to winter in sub-Saharan Africa.

The preferred habitat of the western house martin is open country with low vegetation, such as pasture, meadows and farmland, and preferably near water, although it is also found in mountains up to at least 2,200 m (7,200 ft) elevation. It is much more urban than the barn swallow, and will nest even in city centres if the air is clean enough. It is more likely to be found near trees than other Eurasian swallows, since they provide insect food and also roosting sites. This species does not normally use the reed-bed roosts favoured by migrating barn swallows.

It uses similar open habitats on the wintering grounds, but the western house martin is less conspicuous than wintering barn swallows, tending to fly higher and be more nomadic. In the tropical parts of its wintering range, like East Africa, it appears to be mainly found in the higher areas.

Monday, 6 April 2020

24-5-2017 ALBACASAR, VALENCIA - COMMON HOUSE MARTIN (Delichon urbicum)

The Common house martin (Delichon urbicum) is a migratory passerine bird which breeds in Europe, North Africa and across the Palearctic; and winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. It feeds on insects that are caught in flight, and it migrates to climates where flying insects are plentiful. Both the scientific and colloquial names of the bird are related to its use of human-made structures. It builds a closed cup nest from mud pellets under eaves or similar locations on buildings usually in colonies.

The Common house martin is steel-blue above with a white rump, and white underparts, including the underwings; even its short legs have white downy feathering. It has brown eyes and a small black bill, and its toes and exposed parts of the legs are pink. The sexes are similar, but the juvenile bird is sooty black, and some of its wing coverts and quills have white tips and edgings.

Monday, 29 May 2017

29-5-2017 GENOVES, VALENCIA - COMMON HOUSE MARTIN (Delichon urbicum)

The Western House Martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes known as the Common House Martin, is a migratory passerine bird belonging to the swallow family. It is characterized by a blue head and upperparts, a distinctive white rump, and pure white underparts. This species exhibits sexual dimorphism, with both sexes appearing similar, and juveniles displaying a sooty black coloration with white-tipped wing coverts and quills.

Adults measure approximately 13 cm in length, with a wingspan ranging from 26 to 29 cm and an average weight of 18.3 grams. They possess brown eyes, a small black bill, and pink toes and exposed leg parts. The white rump and underparts are particularly noticeable in flight, aiding in distinguishing them from other swallows.

The Western House Martin favors open country with low vegetation, such as pastures, meadows, and farmland, often near water. It is also found in urban areas and can nest in city centers if air quality permits.

This bird breeds across Europe, North Africa, and the Palearctic, migrating to sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia for the winter. It is a broad-front migrant, traveling during daylight and feeding on insects in flight.

The Western House Martin is a social bird, often breeding colonially with nests built in close proximity. It is known for its aerial agility, which it uses to evade predators such as the Eurasian Hobby.

The male's song is a soft twitter of melodious chirps, while the contact call is a hard "chirrrp." The alarm call is a shrill "tseep."

Nests are constructed from mud pellets under eaves or similar overhangs on buildings, usually in colonies. The species is known to produce two broods per year, with four to five white eggs per brood. Juveniles fledge after 22 to 32 days and are fed by parents for about a week thereafter.

The Western House Martin can be confused with the Asian House Martin (D. dasypus) and the Nepal House Martin (D. nipalense), but it is the only one with a pure white rump and underparts.

The diet consists primarily of insects caught in flight, with a preference for flies and aphids. Hunting typically occurs within 450 meters of the nest and often near open ground or water.

The Western House Martin is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, with an extensive range and large population. However, there are indications of population fluctuations and declines in certain regions, attributed to factors such as weather, pesticides, and competition for nesting sites.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

9-5-2017 RONDA, ANDALUSIA - COMMON HOUSE MARTIN (Delichon urbicum)

The western house martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes called the common house martin, northern house martin or, particularly in Europe, just house martin, is a migratory passerine bird of the swallow family which breeds in Europe, north Africa and across the Palearctic; and winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. It feeds on insects which are caught in flight, and it migrates to climates where flying insects are plentiful. It has a blue head and upperparts, white rump and pure white underparts, and is found in both open country and near human habitation. It is similar in appearance to the two other martin species of the genus Delichon, which are both endemic to eastern and southern Asia. It has two accepted subspecies.

Both the scientific and colloquial name of the bird are related to its use of human-made structures. It builds a closed cup nest from mud pellets under eaves or similar locations on buildings usually in colonies.

It is hunted by the Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo), and like other birds is affected by internal parasites and external fleas and mites, although its large range and population mean that it is not threatened globally.

The western house martin breeds across temperate Eurosiberia east to central Mongolia and the Yenisei River, and in Morocco, Tunisia and northern Algeria, and migrates on a broad front to winter in sub-Saharan Africa.

The preferred habitat of the western house martin is open country with low vegetation, such as pasture, meadows and farmland, and preferably near water, although it is also found in mountains up to at least 2,200 m (7,200 ft) elevation. It is much more urban than the barn swallow, and will nest even in city centres if the air is clean enough. It is more likely to be found near trees than other Eurasian swallows, since they provide insect food and also roosting sites. This species does not normally use the reed-bed roosts favoured by migrating barn swallows.

It uses similar open habitats on the wintering grounds, but the western house martin is less conspicuous than wintering barn swallows, tending to fly higher and be more nomadic. In the tropical parts of its wintering range, like East Africa, it appears to be mainly found in the higher areas.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

28-5-2016 BENIARJO, VALENCIA - COMMON HOUSE MARTIN (Delichon urbicum)

The Common house martin (Delichon urbicum) is a migratory passerine bird which breeds in Europe, North Africa and across the Palearctic; and winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. It feeds on insects that are caught in flight, and it migrates to climates where flying insects are plentiful. Both the scientific and colloquial names of the bird are related to its use of human-made structures. It builds a closed cup nest from mud pellets under eaves or similar locations on buildings usually in colonies.

The Common house martin is steel-blue above with a white rump, and white underparts, including the underwings; even its short legs have white downy feathering. It has brown eyes and a small black bill, and its toes and exposed parts of the legs are pink. The sexes are similar, but the juvenile bird is sooty black, and some of its wing coverts and quills have white tips and edgings.

Population size
10-500 Mlnlnn
Life Span
5-14 years
g oz 
cm inch 
cm inch 

Common house martins breed in Europe, North Africa, and across the Palearctic and winter in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. They prefer open country with low vegetation, such as pasture, meadows, and farmland, usually near water. They may also be found in mountains and near trees since they provide insect food and also roosting sites. On their wintering grounds, Common house martins use similar open habitats. In the tropical parts of their wintering range, like East Africa and Thailand, they occur mainly in the higher areas.

Common house martins are social birds. They spend most of their day flying for hours hunting their prey. Common house martins hunt at a height of 21 m (69 ft) during the breeding season, typically within 450 m (1,480 ft) of the nest. They will also follow the plough or large animals to catch disturbed insects. On the wintering grounds, they usually hunt at a greater height of over 50 m (160 ft). Common house martins are migrants who move on a broad front, and they usually travel in daylight. They are noisy birds, especially in their breeding colonies. The male's song, given throughout the year, is a soft twitter of melodious chirps. The contact call is a hard 'chirrrp', and the alarm is a shrill 'tseep'.

Monday, 2 May 2016

2-5-2016 ROTOVA, VALENCIA - COMMON HOUSE MARTIN (Delichon urbicum)

The Common house martin (Delichon urbicum) is a migratory passerine bird which breeds in Europe, North Africa and across the Palearctic; and winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia. It feeds on insects that are caught in flight, and it migrates to climates where flying insects are plentiful. Both the scientific and colloquial names of the bird are related to its use of human-made structures. It builds a closed cup nest from mud pellets under eaves or similar locations on buildings usually in colonies.

The Common house martin is steel-blue above with a white rump, and white underparts, including the underwings; even its short legs have white downy feathering. It has brown eyes and a small black bill, and its toes and exposed parts of the legs are pink. The sexes are similar, but the juvenile bird is sooty black, and some of its wing coverts and quills have white tips and edgings.