Friday, 13 January 2017


The Eurasian hoopoe, with its scientific name Upupa epops, is a bird of unmistakable appearance. It boasts a warm cinnamon plumage, contrasted by striking black and white wings, and a prominent black-tipped, fan-like crest which it can raise and lower. Its tail features a broad white band across a black background. The hoopoe's long, narrow bill curves downwards, adept for probing the soil, and is black with a fawn base.

When identifying the Eurasian hoopoe, look for its unique silhouette, characterized by its long, tapering bill and erectile crest. In flight, its broad and rounded wings display a bold black and white pattern, and its undulating flight is reminiscent of a large butterfly. The hoopoe's size ranges from 25 to 32 cm in length, with a wingspan of 44 to 48 cm, and it weighs between 46 and 89 grams.

The hoopoe is adaptable, favoring habitats with bare or lightly vegetated ground for foraging and vertical surfaces with cavities for nesting. These can include heathlands, wooded steppes, savannas, grasslands, and forest glades.

This species is native to Europe, Asia, and the northern half of Africa. It is migratory in the northern parts of its range, with European and north Asian birds wintering in the tropics. African populations tend to be sedentary throughout the year.

Hoopoes are known for their sunbathing and dust-bathing behaviors, often spreading their wings and tail against the ground. They are solitary foragers, predominantly feeding on the ground with occasional aerial pursuits.

The hoopoe's call is a soft, melodic "oop-oop-oop," which may vary between two to four syllables. This call is the likely origin of both its English and scientific names.

Hoopoes are monogamous, with pair bonds lasting a single season. They nest in cavities, with the female solely responsible for incubation. Clutch sizes vary geographically, with larger clutches in higher latitudes. The eggs are initially milky blue, becoming discolored in the nest.

While the hoopoe's appearance is quite distinctive, its call can be confused with that of the Himalayan cuckoo in certain regions.

The hoopoe's diet consists mainly of insects, but it may also consume small reptiles, frogs, seeds, and berries. It uses its bill to probe the soil for larvae, pupae, and insects, which are then beaten against a surface to remove indigestible parts.

The Eurasian hoopoe is classified as "Least Concern" by the IUCN. However, there has been a noted decline in populations since 2008, attributed to habitat loss and over-hunting in certain areas. Conservation efforts are in place in regions where the species is threatened.

Thursday, 12 January 2017


The European stonechat, Saxicola rubicola, is a small, charming passerine bird, once thought to be a member of the thrush family but now placed within the Old World flycatcher family, Muscicapidae. This species exhibits a striking sexual dimorphism, with males donning a black plumage with vibrant orange throats and females wearing a more subdued brown.

Males in their summer plumage are unmistakable with their black heads, orange throats, and white bellies. They also sport a distinctive white half-collar and small white patches on the wings and rump. Females, on the other hand, are predominantly brown with less pronounced white wing patches. Both sexes have notably short wings, which are shorter than those of their migratory relatives.

The European stonechat favors heathlands, coastal dunes, and open grasslands dotted with shrubs, brambles, and heather. These habitats provide the perfect backdrop for their active foraging and breeding behaviors.

This species is widely distributed across Europe, reaching as far east as Ukraine and the South Caucasus, and can also be found in parts of North Africa.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

11-1-2017 XALO, ALICANTE - EUROPEAN ROBIN (Erithacus rubecula)

The European robin (Erithacus rubecula), known simply as the robin or robin redbreast in Great Britain and Ireland, is a small insectivorous passerine bird, a member of the chat subfamily of the Old World flycatcher family. It is a plucky little bird, with a length of about 12.5–14.0 cm and a weight of 16–22 g. Both sexes are similarly adorned with an orange breast and face, lined with grey, brown upper-parts, and a whitish belly.

Adult robins can be identified by their orange breast and face, bordered by a bluish-grey on the sides of the neck and chest. The upperparts are brownish, or olive-tinged in British birds, and the belly is whitish. The bill and eyes are black. Juvenile robins are distinguishable by their spotted brown and white plumage, with patches of orange gradually appearing as they mature.

The European robin is a bird of diverse habitats, found in woodlands, gardens, and parks across its range. It is particularly associated with areas where the soil is dug or disturbed, allowing it easy access to its invertebrate prey.

This bird has a wide distribution across Europe, extending east to Western Siberia and south to North Africa. It is sedentary in most of its range except the far north, where it is migratory.

The robin is diurnal and is known for its boldness in human presence, often seen investigating gardeners at work. It is territorial, with males known to fiercely defend their territory. The robin's diet is primarily composed of insects and worms, but it will also consume berries and fruit, especially in autumn and winter.

The robin's song is a delightful fluting warble, more plaintive during the winter months. Both sexes sing, with the male's song typically starting before dawn and ending after dusk. Urban robins may sing at night, possibly to avoid noise pollution during the day.

Robins are versatile in their choice of nesting sites, often opting for unusual locations such as nooks in machinery or even discarded clothing. They typically lay two or three clutches of eggs per season, with the eggs being cream, buff, or white and speckled with reddish-brown.

The European robin is unique among the Erithacus genus, with its closest relatives being the Japanese robin and the Ryukyu robin, which are now placed in a different genus.

Robins primarily feed on insects, spiders, and worms. During colder months, their diet is supplemented with berries and fruit. They are also known to visit bird tables for seed mixtures and suet.

The European robin is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, with a stable and possibly increasing population. It does not face any significant threats that would warrant concern for its long-term survival.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017


8-1-2017 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - WHITE WAGTAIL (Motacilla alba)

The White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) is a small, elegant passerine bird, a member of the family Motacillidae, which includes pipits and longclaws. This slender bird measures between 16.5 to 19 cm in length, with East Asian subspecies reaching up to 21 cm. It is characterized by its long, constantly wagging tail, a behavior that has become synonymous with the genus. Weighing an average of 25 g, the White Wagtail can live up to 12 years in the wild.

Adult White Wagtails exhibit a distinctive plumage with a combination of grey, black, and white. The bird's upper parts are generally grey, with a white face, belly, and breast. Males during the breeding season may show a darker back, and the species is known for its sharp, brisk call and more melodious song during courtship.

The White Wagtail is commonly found in open country, often in close proximity to human habitation and water sources. It shows a preference for bare areas which facilitate the sighting and pursuit of prey. This bird has adapted well to urban environments, utilizing paved areas such as parking lots for foraging.

This species has a vast breeding range across Europe, the Asian Palearctic, parts of North Africa, and has a presence in Alaska. It is a migratory bird, with populations moving to Africa and parts of Asia during the winter. In Great Britain and Ireland, the darker subspecies known as the Pied Wagtail is more prevalent.

The White Wagtail is known for its perpetual tail wagging, a behavior that remains somewhat enigmatic but is thought to be a signal of vigilance to predators. It is a monogamous bird that defends its breeding territory with determination.



3-6-2006 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - MOORISH GECKO (Tarentola mauritanica)



Monday, 9 January 2017

9-1-2017 GANDIA CAMPO, VALENCIA - EUROPEAN ROBIN (Erithacus rubecula)

The European robin (Erithacus rubecula), known simply as the robin or robin redbreast in Great Britain and Ireland, is a small insectivorous passerine bird, a member of the chat subfamily of the Old World flycatcher family. It is a plucky little bird, with a length of about 12.5–14.0 cm and a weight of 16–22 g. Both sexes are similarly adorned with an orange breast and face, lined with grey, brown upper-parts, and a whitish belly.

Adult robins can be identified by their orange breast and face, bordered by a bluish-grey on the sides of the neck and chest. The upperparts are brownish, or olive-tinged in British birds, and the belly is whitish. The bill and eyes are black. Juvenile robins are distinguishable by their spotted brown and white plumage, with patches of orange gradually appearing as they mature.

The European robin is a bird of diverse habitats, found in woodlands, gardens, and parks across its range. It is particularly associated with areas where the soil is dug or disturbed, allowing it easy access to its invertebrate prey.

This bird has a wide distribution across Europe, extending east to Western Siberia and south to North Africa. It is sedentary in most of its range except the far north, where it is migratory. 

9-1-2017 GANDIA CAMPO, VALENCIA - BLACK REDSTART (FEMALE) (Phoenicurus ochruros)

The Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) is a small, charismatic passerine bird, exhibiting a blend of dark and vibrant plumage. Males are distinguished by their dark grey to black upperparts and breast, with a striking orange-red rump and tail. Females and juveniles are more subdued in color, with grey to grey-brown feathers and the same vivid tail coloration that is the hallmark of the species.

Adult males are easily identified by their dark upperparts and black breast, contrasting with the orange-red lower rump and tail. The belly and undertail may vary from blackish-grey to orange-red, depending on the subspecies. Females and juveniles are less conspicuous, with overall greyer tones and a distinctive orange-red rump and tail. The presence of pale fringes on the secondaries forms a whitish wing panel in some subspecies.

The Black Redstart has adapted remarkably to urban environments, often found nesting in crevices or holes within buildings. Originally a dweller of stony mountainous regions, it now thrives in industrial areas with similar structural features.

This species is widely distributed across south and central Europe, Asia, and north-west Africa. It is a resident in milder regions, while populations in the northeast migrate to warmer areas during winter.

The Black Redstart is known for its robin-like movements, including quick ducks of the head and body, and frequent tail flicking. Males possess a rattling song and a tick call, adding to their distinctive presence.

Sunday, 8 January 2017



24-7-2012 DANUBE DELTA, ROMANIA - LITTLE EGRET (Egretta garzetta)

25-4-2014 MOROS MARSHES, SAGUNTO - COLLARED PRATINCOLE (Glareola pratincola)

25-4-2014 MOROS MARSHES, SAGUNTO - BLACK WINGED STILT (Himantopus himantopus)

3-5-2013 ALBUFERA, VALENCIA - LITTLE EGRET (Egretta garzetta)

3-5-2013 ALBUFERA, VALENCIA - GREAT CRESTED GREBE (Podiceps cristatus)


Little Owls (Athene noctua) are a highly sedentary species in the UK. They are particularly territorial in the breeding season and consequently very vocal, with a wide variety of vocalisations. Typical calls include a plaintive ‘kew’ ‘kew’ and a loud ‘wherrow’, repeated at regular intervals. 

Little Owls establish their territory in the late winter and early spring, when males can be particularly noisy. Territory size varies throughout the year but is at its greatest prior to the breeding season when individuals may cover nearly 40Ha in the UK. This reduces to as little as 2Ha, as pairs provision young.

Diet consists primarily of crickets, grasshoppers and other invertebrates such as beetles and earthworms, as well as small mammals. Small birds are also taken during the breeding season.

Little Owls are most active at dawn and dusk, and after dark when most hunting occurs. However, they can frequently be seen during the middle of the day, basking in the sun on an exposed perch such as a telegraph pole, dead tree or isolated building. Rather than hunting on the wing, Little Owls usually hunt from a perch, typically a fence post. When prey is spotted they sometimes ‘bob up and down’ a few times before a typically short, low, undulating flight to the ground where they sometimes pursue prey on foot. Whilst perched on a post they blend into farmland environments extremely well and are easily overlooked.

8-1-2017 ADOR CAMPO, VALENCIA - MEADOW PIPIT (Anthus pratensis)

The meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) is a small passerine bird, which breeds in much of the Palearctic, from southeastern Greenland and Iceland east to just east of the Ural Mountains in Russia, and south to central France and Romania; an isolated population also occurs in the Caucasus Mountains. It is migratory over most of its range, wintering in southern Europe, North Africa, and south-western Asia, but is resident year-round in western Europe, though even here many birds move to the coast or lowlands in winter.
The nest is on the ground hidden in dense vegetation, with two to seven (most often three to five) eggs; the eggs hatch after 11–15 days, with the chicks fledging 10–14 days after hatching. Two broods are commonly raised each year. This species is one of the most important nest hosts of the cuckoo, and it is also an important prey species for merlins and hen harriers.

Its food is primarily insects and other invertebrates, mostly small items less than 5 mm (3⁄16 in) long. It also eats the seeds of grasses, sedges, rushes, and heather, and crowberry berries, mainly in winter.

Friday, 6 January 2017



The Eurasian blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla, is a common and widespread typical warbler known for its distinctive cap and melodious song. The species exhibits sexual dimorphism with males sporting a black cap and females a chestnut one. The upperparts are generally olive-grey, while the underparts are pale grey. This bird is small and agile, measuring around 13 cm in length with a wingspan of 7–8 cm.

Males can be identified by their black caps and light grey underparts, while females have a reddish-brown cap and a slightly browner hue to their grey upperparts. Juveniles resemble females but have a rufous tinge to their upperparts and a more olive tone on the breast and flanks. The blackcap's tail is dark grey with an olive edge to each feather, and it has a grey bill and legs with a reddish-brown iris.

The blackcap favors mature deciduous woodlands with a well-developed understory. It also occupies parks, large gardens, and overgrown hedges, provided there are tall trees for songposts and dense shrubs for nesting.

This warbler breeds across much of Europe, western Asia, and northwestern Africa. It is a partial migrant, with northern populations wintering in northwestern Europe, around the Mediterranean, and in tropical Africa. Some have adapted to wintering in British and Irish gardens.

Blackcaps are territorial during the breeding season, with males establishing and defending their territories through song and display. They are mainly monogamous and may raise one to two broods per season. The species is known for its leap-frog migration pattern, where northern populations migrate further south than those from the Mediterranean.

The male blackcap's song is a rich musical warble, often ending in a high-pitched crescendo. In isolated areas, a simpler song may be heard. Calls include a hard "tac-tac" and various squeaks and trills. The song is sometimes confused with that of the garden warbler but is slightly higher-pitched and more broken.

Blackcaps typically build a neat cup-shaped nest in brambles or scrub, laying a clutch of 4–6 buff eggs with grey and brown markings. Both parents incubate the eggs and care for the altricial chicks, which fledge in about 11–12 days.

The blackcap can be confused with other dark-headed Sylvia species, such as the Sardinian and Orphean warblers, but these have more extensive black on the head and are larger with white tail edges.

During the breeding season, blackcaps feed mainly on insects, switching to fruit in late summer. In winter, they consume small fruits and may rely on food provided in gardens, such as bread, fat, and peanuts.

Despite pressures from hunting in the Mediterranean and natural predation, the blackcap has been expanding its range for decades and is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Least Concern. Its population is estimated to be between 101 and 161 million individuals globally.

6-1-2017 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - EUROPEAN ROBIN (Erithacus rubecula)

The European robin (Erithacus rubecula), known simply as the robin or robin redbreast in Great Britain and Ireland, is a small insectivorous passerine bird, a member of the chat subfamily of the Old World flycatcher family. It is a plucky little bird, with a length of about 12.5–14.0 cm and a weight of 16–22 g. Both sexes are similarly adorned with an orange breast and face, lined with grey, brown upper-parts, and a whitish belly.

Adult robins can be identified by their orange breast and face, bordered by a bluish-grey on the sides of the neck and chest. The upperparts are brownish, or olive-tinged in British birds, and the belly is whitish. The bill and eyes are black. Juvenile robins are distinguishable by their spotted brown and white plumage, with patches of orange gradually appearing as they mature.

The European robin is a bird of diverse habitats, found in woodlands, gardens, and parks across its range. It is particularly associated with areas where the soil is dug or disturbed, allowing it easy access to its invertebrate prey.

This bird has a wide distribution across Europe, extending east to Western Siberia and south to North Africa. It is sedentary in most of its range except the far north, where it is migratory.

The robin is diurnal and is known for its boldness in human presence, often seen investigating gardeners at work. It is territorial, with males known to fiercely defend their territory. The robin's diet is primarily composed of insects and worms, but it will also consume berries and fruit, especially in autumn and winter.

The robin's song is a delightful fluting warble, more plaintive during the winter months. Both sexes sing, with the male's song typically starting before dawn and ending after dusk. Urban robins may sing at night, possibly to avoid noise pollution during the day.

Robins are versatile in their choice of nesting sites, often opting for unusual locations such as nooks in machinery or even discarded clothing. They typically lay two or three clutches of eggs per season, with the eggs being cream, buff, or white and speckled with reddish-brown.

The European robin is unique among the Erithacus genus, with its closest relatives being the Japanese robin and the Ryukyu robin, which are now placed in a different genus.

Robins primarily feed on insects, spiders, and worms. During colder months, their diet is supplemented with berries and fruit. They are also known to visit bird tables for seed mixtures and suet.

Conservation Status
The European robin is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, with a stable and possibly increasing population. It does not face any significant threats that would warrant concern for its long-term survival.

6-1-2017 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - WHITE WAGTAIL (Motacilla alba)

The White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) is a small, elegant passerine bird, a member of the family Motacillidae, which includes pipits and longclaws. This slender bird measures between 16.5 to 19 cm in length, with East Asian subspecies reaching up to 21 cm. It is characterized by its long, constantly wagging tail, a behavior that has become synonymous with the genus. Weighing an average of 25 g, the White Wagtail can live up to 12 years in the wild.

Adult White Wagtails exhibit a distinctive plumage with a combination of grey, black, and white. The bird's upper parts are generally grey, with a white face, belly, and breast. Males during the breeding season may show a darker back, and the species is known for its sharp, brisk call and more melodious song during courtship.

The White Wagtail is commonly found in open country, often in close proximity to human habitation and water sources. It shows a preference for bare areas which facilitate the sighting and pursuit of prey. This bird has adapted well to urban environments, utilizing paved areas such as parking lots for foraging.

This species has a vast breeding range across Europe, the Asian Palearctic, parts of North Africa, and has a presence in Alaska. It is a migratory bird, with populations moving to Africa and parts of Asia during the winter. In Great Britain and Ireland, the darker subspecies known as the Pied Wagtail is more prevalent.


The Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, is a dainty heron adorned in pure white plumage. It is characterized by a slender black beak, long black legs, and, notably in the western race, yellow feet. This elegant bird is a sight to behold with its graceful neck and poised stance.

Adult Little Egrets measure between 55–65 cm in length with a wingspan of 88–106 cm, and weigh 350–550 g. Their plumage is predominantly white, though some may exhibit bluish-grey coloration. Breeding adults boast ornate nape plumes reaching about 150 mm, along with distinctive feathers on the breast and elongated scapulars. The bill and lores are black, with greenish-grey skin at the base of the lower mandible and around the eye, which houses a yellow iris. Legs are black with contrasting yellow feet, though juveniles may have greenish-black legs and duller feet. The subspecies E. g. nigripes is distinguished by yellow skin between the bill and eye, and blackish feet.

The Little Egret frequents a variety of wetland habitats, from the shores of lakes and rivers to marshes and coastal regions. It is often found in open environments, such as mangroves, swamps, mudflats, and sandy beaches, as well as human-altered landscapes like rice fields.

The species has a broad breeding distribution across warm temperate to tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Northern populations are migratory, wintering in Africa and southern Asia, while others remain as permanent residents in warmer areas.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

28-4-2014 MARXUQUERA, VALENCIA - RED STRIPED OIL BEETLE (Berberomeloe majalis)


The Queen of Spain Fritillary is a large and distinctive butterfly with a wingspan of 3.8 to 4.5cm. Its hindwings are more sharply angular than most other fritillaries, and the upperwings have regular rows of rounded spots.

The undersides of the hindwings are decorated with large pearly spots - visible in the pictures immediately above and below.

The Queen of Spain Fritillary is a very rare migrant to southern Britain. Its native range covers most of mainland Europe, however, except for the far north of Scandinavia, and extends southwards into northern Africa and eastwards through Asia as far as eastern China.

This migrant species is found in a variety of mainly dryish habitats including heathland and herb-rich meadows, but also in fields with arable crops, on rocky hill slopes, and on woodland edges.

7-1-2017 ADOR CAMPO, VALENCIA - LITTLE OWL (Athene noctua)

The Little Owl, Athene noctua, is a diminutive yet distinctive bird, often associated with the goddess Athena in Greek mythology and Minerva in Roman lore. This bird is characterized by a flat-topped head, a robust, compact body, and a relatively short tail. Its plumage is a mottled greyish-brown, adorned with white spots, streaks, and bars, giving it a cryptic appearance. Both sexes are similar in size, measuring approximately 22 cm in length with a wingspan of 56 cm, and weighing around 180 grams.

The Little Owl possesses a large head, elongated legs, and striking yellow eyes. Its white "eyebrows" lend it a somewhat stern expression. Juvenile birds are somewhat duller than adults and lack the white crown spots. The species is known for its woodpecker-like bounding flight. During the moult, which occurs from July to November, males begin shedding feathers before females.

This owl favors open countryside and thrives in a variety of habitats, including agricultural lands with hedgerows and trees, orchards, woodland edges, parks, gardens, steppes, and semi-deserts. It can also be found in treeless areas such as dunes, and near human-made structures like ruins and quarries.

The Little Owl's range spans much of temperate and warmer parts of Europe, the Palearctic east to Korea, and North Africa. It has been introduced to Britain and the South Island of New Zealand, where it has established populations.

The Little Owl is known for its territorial nature, with males defending their territories from intruders. It is partly diurnal and can often be seen perched in prominent positions during the day. Its diet consists of insects, earthworms, other invertebrates, and small vertebrates. The owl is adept at swooping down on prey from its perch and is known to cache surplus food.

The Little Owl's call is a querulous "kiew, kiew," and it also produces various whistling or trilling sounds. During the breeding season, it may emit more modulated calls, and pairs can engage in duets. Near the nest, the owl may make yelping, chattering, or barking noises.

Breeding season sees increased vocal activity at night in late spring. Nests are located in a variety of places, including tree holes, cliffs, and old buildings. The female lays a clutch of about four eggs, which she incubates. The male provides food during this period, and both parents feed the chicks once hatched. Young owls fledge at about seven weeks of age.