Thursday, 30 April 2020

29-4-2020 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - DOUBLE STRIPED PUG MOTH (Gymnoscelis rufifasciata)

29-4-2020 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - WAVE MOTH (Idaea eugeniata)

13-7-2017 MONTE ORONA, VALENCIA - CONTINENTAL STRIPED SHIELD BUG (Graphosoma italicum ssp italicum)

The so-called "striped bug" in Spanish, Graphosoma lineatum subsp. italicum (Müller, 1766) , is a subspecies of the so-called "shield bugs", due to the shape of its scutellum, and belongs to the Pentatomidae family . Pentatomidae comes from the Greek and means "in five parts", referring to its antennae composed of 5 segments, compared to the 4 of other bugs. According to some authors, the species Graphosoma lineatum (Linnaeus, 1758) is divided into two subspecies. The typical one, Graphosoma lineatum subsp. lineatum (Linnaeus, 1758) , seems to be distributed in northern Africa and possibly the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. The other, Graphosoma lineatum subsp. italicum (Müller, 1766) is more widely distributed, in the Mediterranean and Euro-Siberian areas, reaching as far north as Denmark. Other authors give the latter the status of species, and it is now called Graphosoma italicum (Müller, 1766) .

This is a showy bug, 8-12 mm long in both males and females, with a flattened, almost round body, similar in appearance to a shield, and with a face that clearly protrudes from the head. This shield ( escutellum ) covers almost the entire abdomen, is triangular in shape and is usually as long as the corium of the elytra.It is easily identifiable by its reddish aposematic colour, which warns potential predators of its unpleasant taste. In fact, like many other bugs, it has glands on the sides of its thorax that exude a repulsive-smelling liquid when held. On the red background, 6 longitudinal black bands run across the head, thorax and abdomen. The sides of the abdomen ( connexivum ) are red with many small black spots, with a checkered pattern. The ventral part of the abdomen is dotted. The tarsi have 3 segments and the legs are generally black (red in the typical subspecies lineatum ), except for the third tibia, which can be reddish. They have a pair of black antennae composed of 5 antennae or segments and prominent eyes. Sexual dimorphism consists of females showing a median suture on the eighth abdominal segment, not present in males.

12-10-2017 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - WAVE MOTH (Idaea squalidaria)

Idaea squalidaria is a species of insects with 3 observations.