Friday, 20 December 2024

20-12-2024 EL RETIRO PARK MADRID, ESPANA - MONK PARAKEET (Myiopsitta monachus)

The Monk Parakeet, also known as the Quaker Parrot, is a small and vibrant green parrot with a greyish breast and a greenish-yellow abdomen. This charming bird is a member of the true parrot family, Psittacidae, and is known for its relatively long lifespan of 20-30 years.

Adult Monk Parakeets measure approximately 29 cm (11 in) in length with a wingspan of 48 cm (19 in), and an average weight of 100 g (3.5 oz). The species exhibits sexual dimorphism, with females being 10-20% smaller than males. They possess bright-green upperparts, a pale gray forehead and breast with darker scalloping, and very light-green to yellow underparts. Their remiges are dark blue, and they have a long, tapering tail. The bill is a notable orange color. Vocalizations include a loud and throaty chape(-yee) or quak quaki quak-wi quarr, and screeches skveet.

Monk Parakeets are adaptable birds that originally inhabit temperate to subtropical areas of South America. They are known to build stick nests in trees or on man-made structures, a unique behavior among parrots.

Native to South America, these birds are common in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. They have established feral populations in North America and Europe, mainly in urban areas and regions with climates similar to their native habitat.

Monk Parakeets are gregarious and often breed colonially. They construct large communal nests with separate entrances for each pair. These nests can become quite sizable and may house other species. The birds are known to have helper individuals that assist with feeding the young, a behavior known as kin selection.

The Monk Parakeet's call is a distinctive and throaty chape(-yee) or quak quaki quak-wi quarr, with screeches of skveet. These vocalizations are important for communication within the species.

These parakeets breed in colonies, with nests that can house multiple pairs. Each pair has its own entrance to the communal nest. They lay five to 12 white eggs, which hatch in about 24 days.

The Cliff Parakeet (Myiopsitta luchsi) is similar in appearance but is considered a separate species due to morphological, behavioral, and geographical differences.

Monk Parakeets are known to feed on various seeds, fruits, and vegetation. In their native range, they are sometimes considered agricultural pests due to their feeding habits.

The Monk Parakeet is currently listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. However, in some introduced areas, they are subject to control measures due to concerns about their impact on local ecosystems and agriculture.

20-12-2024 EL RETIRO PARK MADRID, ESPANA - SHORT TOED TREE CREEPER (Certhia brachydactylba)

The Short-toed Treecreeper, Certhia brachydactyla, is a diminutive passerine bird, a master of camouflage with its mottled brown upperparts and whitish underbelly. This species, with its curved bill and stiff tail feathers, is adept at navigating the vertical world of tree trunks in search of sustenance.

When attempting to identify the Short-toed Treecreeper, look for its intricate pattern of black, buff, and white on dull grey-brown upperparts, a subtle off-white supercilium, and less vivid underparts compared to its throat. Both sexes are similarly attired, while juveniles may present with whitish underparts and occasionally a buff belly. Its bill is slightly longer and toes shorter than those of its common cousin, aiding in its identification.

This species is a resident of woodlands, showing a preference for mature deciduous trees and lower altitudes, particularly where oak trees are abundant. It tends to avoid pure coniferous stands, especially where its range overlaps with the Common Treecreeper.

The Short-toed Treecreeper graces the warmer regions of Europe and extends its reach into North Africa. It is generally sedentary, though vagrants have been noted beyond its usual breeding grounds.

This unassuming bird is solitary in winter, but may roost communally during cold spells. It ascends tree trunks in short hops, using its tail and feet for support, and exhibits an erratic, undulating flight pattern.

The call is a shrill "tyt…tyt tyt-tyt," while the song varies geographically, ranging from a simple sequence in Denmark to a lower-pitched variant in North Africa. The song is an important identifier, as visual differentiation from the Common Treecreeper can be challenging.

Nesting occurs in tree crevices or behind bark, with a clutch of about six eggs laid in a twig, pine needle, or bark nest lined with softer materials. The female incubates the eggs, and both parents feed the altricial chicks until fledging.

The Short-toed Treecreeper is often confused with the Common Treecreeper, which is whiter below and has a warmer, more spotted appearance above. The North American Brown Creeper also bears a resemblance but has never been recorded in Europe.

Insects and spiders gleaned from tree bark comprise the bulk of its diet, with seeds occasionally supplementing its winter diet. It forages methodically, spiraling up tree trunks and rarely descending headfirst.

The Short-toed Treecreeper is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, with a stable and extensive range and population. It is common throughout much of its range, though rarer in some locales such as the Caucasus and Channel Islands.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a member of the sparrow family Passeridae. This small bird typically measures around 16 cm (6.3 in) in length and weighs between 24–39.5 g (0.85–1.39 oz). The species exhibits sexual dimorphism, with females and young birds displaying pale brown and grey plumage, while males are characterized by more vibrant black, white, and brown markings.

Males can be identified by their bright black, white, and brown markings, with a distinctive black bib, white cheeks, and a grey crown. Females lack the striking head patterns of males and are predominantly buffish with softer coloration. Juveniles resemble adult females but are generally paler with less defined markings.

The house sparrow is highly adaptable and can thrive in both urban and rural environments. It is commonly found in close association with human habitation and avoids dense forests, grasslands, polar regions, and deserts far from human development.

Native to Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, and much of Asia, the house sparrow has been introduced to various regions worldwide, including parts of Australasia, Africa, and the Americas, making it one of the most widely distributed wild birds.

House sparrows are social birds, often seen in flocks. They exhibit a range of behaviors, including dust or water bathing and communal roosting. Males are known to be territorial around their nesting sites.

The house sparrow's vocalizations are predominantly variations of a simple chirping call. Males may sing or give an "ecstatic call" during the breeding season, and the species uses a variety of calls for different social interactions.

House sparrows are generally monogamous and may mate for life. They can breed in the season following their hatching and often produce multiple clutches per year, with each clutch containing up to five eggs. Nest sites are varied, with a preference for cavities.

An opportunistic feeder, the house sparrow's diet consists mainly of seeds from grains and weeds, but it also consumes insects and other invertebrates, especially during the breeding season when feeding young.

19-12-2024 CENTRAL MADRID, ESPANA - BABY SAGE (Salvia microphylla)

Salvia microphylla, synonyms including Salvia grahamii, Salvia lemmonii and Salvia neurepia, the baby sage, Graham's sage, or blackcurrant sage, is an evergreen shrub found in the wild in southeastern Arizona and the mountains of eastern, western, and southern Mexico. It is a very complex species which easily hybridizes, resulting in numerous hybrids and cultivars brought into horticulture since the 1990s. The specific epithet microphylla, from the Greek, means "small leaved". In Mexico it is called mirto de montes, or "myrtle of the mountains".


Bidens pilosa is an annual species of herbaceous flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. Its many common names include hitch hikers, black-jack, beggarticks, farmer's friends and Spanish needle, but most commonly referred to as cobblers pegs. It is native to the Americas but is widely distributed as an introduced species in other regions including Eurasia, Africa, Australia, South America and the Pacific Islands,. and is classified as an invasive species in some regions of the world..

Bidens pilosa is a branched annual forb of gracile habit, growing up to 1.8 meters tall. It grows aggressively on disturbed land and often becomes weedy. The leaves are all oppositely arranged and range from simple to pinnate in form, the upper leaves with three to five dentate, ovate-to-lanceolate leaflets. The petioles are slightly winged.

The plant may flower at any time of the year, but mainly in summer and autumn in temperate regions. The flowers are small heads borne on relatively long peduncles. The heads consist of about four or five broad white ray florets (ligules), surrounding many tubular yellow disc florets without ligules that develop into barbed fruits.

The fruits are slightly curved, stiff, rough black rods, tetragonal in cross section, about 1 cm long, typically with two to three stiff, heavily barbed awns at their distal ends.

The infructescences form stellate spherical burrs about one to two centimeters in diameter. The barbed spines of the achenes get stuck in the feathers, fur, fleeces, clothing, etc. of people or animals that brush against the plant. It is an effective means of seed dispersal by zoochory, as the fruits are transported by animals. This mechanism has helped the plant become a noxious weed in temperate and tropical regions.

The species is native to tropical America, widely naturalized throughout the warm temperate and tropical regions of the world. A weed of gardens, woodlands and waste areas.

Its many English common names include black-jack,: 819  beggarticks, hairy beggarticks, cobbler's pegs, devil's needles, hairy bidens, Spanish needle, farmers friend, Devils Pitchfork, hitch hikers and sticky beaks.

Although Bidens pilosa is primarily considered a weed, in many parts of the world it is also a source of food and alternative medicine. The leaves have a resinous flavor, are eaten raw or in stews or dried for storage. In eastern Africa it is used for medicinal purposes for its healing power for wounds.

During the Vietnam War, soldiers adopted the herb as a vegetable, which led to it being known as the "soldier vegetable". It is susceptible to hand weeding if small enough. Even then it must be bagged, and thick mulches may prevent it from growing.

Extracts from Bidens pilosa are used in Southern Africa for malaria.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

17-12-2024 POTRIES, VALENCIA - EURASIAN BLACKCAP (MALE) (Sylvia atricapilla)

The Eurasian blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla, is a common and widespread typical warbler known for its distinctive cap and melodious song. The species exhibits sexual dimorphism with males sporting a black cap and females a chestnut one. The upperparts are generally olive-grey, while the underparts are pale grey. This bird is small and agile, measuring around 13 cm in length with a wingspan of 7–8 cm.

Males can be identified by their black caps and light grey underparts, while females have a reddish-brown cap and a slightly browner hue to their grey upperparts. Juveniles resemble females but have a rufous tinge to their upperparts and a more olive tone on the breast and flanks. The blackcap's tail is dark grey with an olive edge to each feather, and it has a grey bill and legs with a reddish-brown iris.

The blackcap favors mature deciduous woodlands with a well-developed understory. It also occupies parks, large gardens, and overgrown hedges, provided there are tall trees for songposts and dense shrubs for nesting.

This warbler breeds across much of Europe, western Asia, and northwestern Africa. It is a partial migrant, with northern populations wintering in northwestern Europe, around the Mediterranean, and in tropical Africa. Some have adapted to wintering in British and Irish gardens.

Monday, 16 December 2024

16-12-2024 ADOR CAMPO, VALENCIA - EURASIAN KESTREL (Falco tinnunculus)

The common kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, is a bird of prey from the kestrel group within the falcon family Falconidae. It is also known as the European kestrel, Eurasian kestrel, or Old World kestrel. In the United Kingdom, it is often simply referred to as the "kestrel." This raptor is small compared to other birds of prey but larger than most songbirds, with long wings and a distinctive long tail.

Males and females exhibit sexual dimorphism in their plumage. The male has a blue-grey cap and tail with a black tip bordered by a narrow white rim. Its back is chestnut with black spots, and the underside is buff with black streaks. The female is larger and lacks the blue-grey coloring, having a brown back with black bars and a similar underside to the male. Both sexes have a prominent black malar stripe, bright yellow cere, feet, and eye-ring, with dark toenails, bill, and iris.

The common kestrel favors open habitats such as fields, heaths, shrubland, and marshland. It does not require woodland but needs alternative perching and nesting sites like rocks or buildings. It thrives in treeless steppes and can adapt to human settlements and various landscapes, from wetlands to arid savannas.

This species has a vast range, being widespread in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and occasionally reaching the east coast of North America. It has colonized some oceanic islands, though vagrant individuals are generally rare.

The common kestrel is diurnal and can be sedentary or migratory, depending on the region. It is known for its characteristic hunting behavior, hovering 10-20 meters above the ground before diving steeply onto prey. It is also capable of seeing ultraviolet light, which aids in detecting the urine trails of small mammals.

Breeding occurs in spring or the start of the dry season, with the kestrel preferring cavity nests in cliffs, trees, or buildings. Clutches typically consist of 3-7 eggs, which are incubated by both parents. The young fledge after 4-5 weeks and stay with the family for a short period thereafter.

16-12-2024 POTRIES, VALENCIA - EUROPEAN ROBIN (Erithacus rubecula)

The European robin (Erithacus rubecula), known simply as the robin or robin redbreast in Great Britain and Ireland, is a small insectivorous passerine bird, a member of the chat subfamily of the Old World flycatcher family. It is a plucky little bird, with a length of about 12.5–14.0 cm and a weight of 16–22 g. Both sexes are similarly adorned with an orange breast and face, lined with grey, brown upper-parts, and a whitish belly.

Adult robins can be identified by their orange breast and face, bordered by a bluish-grey on the sides of the neck and chest. The upperparts are brownish, or olive-tinged in British birds, and the belly is whitish. The bill and eyes are black. Juvenile robins are distinguishable by their spotted brown and white plumage, with patches of orange gradually appearing as they mature.

The European robin is a bird of diverse habitats, found in woodlands, gardens, and parks across its range. It is particularly associated with areas where the soil is dug or disturbed, allowing it easy access to its invertebrate prey.

This bird has a wide distribution across Europe, extending east to Western Siberia and south to North Africa. It is sedentary in most of its range except the far north, where it is migratory.

The robin is diurnal and is known for its boldness in human presence, often seen investigating gardeners at work. It is territorial, with males known to fiercely defend their territory. The robin's diet is primarily composed of insects and worms, but it will also consume berries and fruit, especially in autumn and winter.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

15-12-2024 CREU DE LONGA, ALBUFERA - LITTLE EGRET (Egretta garzetta)

The Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, is a dainty heron adorned in pure white plumage. It is characterized by a slender black beak, long black legs, and, notably in the western race, yellow feet. This elegant bird is a sight to behold with its graceful neck and poised stance.

Adult Little Egrets measure between 55–65 cm in length with a wingspan of 88–106 cm, and weigh 350–550 g. Their plumage is predominantly white, though some may exhibit bluish-grey coloration. Breeding adults boast ornate nape plumes reaching about 150 mm, along with distinctive feathers on the breast and elongated scapulars. The bill and lores are black, with greenish-grey skin at the base of the lower mandible and around the eye, which houses a yellow iris. Legs are black with contrasting yellow feet, though juveniles may have greenish-black legs and duller feet. The subspecies E. g. nigripes is distinguished by yellow skin between the bill and eye, and blackish feet.

The Little Egret frequents a variety of wetland habitats, from the shores of lakes and rivers to marshes and coastal regions. It is often found in open environments, such as mangroves, swamps, mudflats, and sandy beaches, as well as human-altered landscapes like rice fields.

The species has a broad breeding distribution across warm temperate to tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Northern populations are migratory, wintering in Africa and southern Asia, while others remain as permanent residents in warmer areas.

Little Egrets are social yet territorial when feeding. They exhibit a range of foraging behaviors, from active chasing to patient ambush. Their movements are often in response to the presence of other animals, which may stir up prey.

The Little Egret's vocalizations include croaking and bubbling sounds at breeding colonies and a harsh alarm call when disturbed. These calls are similar to those of the Black-crowned Night Heron and the Cattle Egret.

Breeding colonies are often mixed with other water birds. Nests are platforms of sticks located in trees, shrubs, or reed beds. Clutches typically consist of three to five bluish-green eggs, incubated by both parents for about three weeks. The young fledge at approximately six weeks old.

The Little Egret can be confused with other white egrets, particularly the Snowy Egret, which shares some of its New World range. However, the Little Egret is larger and has more varied foraging strategies.

The diet is diverse, including fish, amphibians, small reptiles, mammals, birds, crustaceans, molluscs, insects, spiders, and worms. The Little Egret employs various hunting techniques, both in water and on land, to capture its prey.

The Little Egret is classified as "Least Concern" by the IUCN. Conservation measures in the 20th century have allowed populations to recover in Europe, and the species has been expanding its range. It is now successfully colonizing new areas, including the New World.

15-12-2024 EL PALMAR, ALBUFERA - BLACK REDSTART (FEMALE) (Phoenicurus ochruros)

The Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) is a small, charismatic passerine bird, exhibiting a blend of dark and vibrant plumage. Males are distinguished by their dark grey to black upperparts and breast, with a striking orange-red rump and tail. Females and juveniles are more subdued in color, with grey to grey-brown feathers and the same vivid tail coloration that is the hallmark of the species.

Adult males are easily identified by their dark upperparts and black breast, contrasting with the orange-red lower rump and tail. The belly and undertail may vary from blackish-grey to orange-red, depending on the subspecies. Females and juveniles are less conspicuous, with overall greyer tones and a distinctive orange-red rump and tail. The presence of pale fringes on the secondaries forms a whitish wing panel in some subspecies.

The Black Redstart has adapted remarkably to urban environments, often found nesting in crevices or holes within buildings. Originally a dweller of stony mountainous regions, it now thrives in industrial areas with similar structural features.

This species is widely distributed across south and central Europe, Asia, and north-west Africa. It is a resident in milder regions, while populations in the northeast migrate to warmer areas during winter.

The Black Redstart is known for its robin-like movements, including quick ducks of the head and body, and frequent tail flicking. Males possess a rattling song and a tick call, adding to their distinctive presence.

15-12-2024 CREU DE LONGA, ALBUFERA - BLUETHROAT (MALE) (Luscinia svecica)

The Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) is a small and enchanting passerine, reminiscent of the European robin in stature, measuring 13-14 cm in length. The males are particularly striking with their vibrant throat plumage, which boasts a rich blue central patch framed by black and rust-colored borders, evoking the hues of the Swedish flag. Above, they are a modest brown, save for the black tail adorned with red side patches, and they possess a pronounced white supercilium that stands out against their plumage.

To identify the Bluethroat, look for the male's resplendent throat, which is its most distinguishing feature. Females and juveniles are more subdued, with the females typically displaying a blackish crescent on a cream throat and breast. Juveniles are freckled and spotted with dark brown above. All share the characteristic white supercilium and black tail with red side patches.

The Bluethroat favors wet birch woods or bushy swamps for breeding, finding solace in the dense undergrowth where it can nest in tussocks or low bushes.

This migratory bird breeds across the Palearctic and has a foothold in western Alaska. When the cold season approaches, it retreats to warmer climes, wintering in the Iberian Peninsula, northern Africa, and southern Asia, including the Indian subcontinent.

The Bluethroat is a bird of secretive nature, often found flitting through dense vegetation. It is migratory, with moulting beginning in July after breeding and completed in 40-45 days before the birds embark on their long journey to wintering grounds.

The male Bluethroat is a skilled vocalist with a song that is both varied and highly imitative. Its call is a characteristic chat "chack" noise, which can be heard amidst the underbrush where it dwells.

Bluethroats nest in tussocks or low in dense bushes, preferring the sheltered environment of wet woodlands or swampy areas.

While unique in its appearance, the Bluethroat can be confused with other chats, especially females and juveniles that lack the distinctive blue throat of the males.

As an insectivorous bird, the Bluethroat's diet consists primarily of insects, which it seeks out in its wetland and swampy habitats.

The Bluethroat is currently listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating that, for now, this species does not face any imminent threats to its survival on a global scale.

15-12-2024 ULLAL DE BALDOVI, ALBUFERA - ZITTING CISTICOLA (Cisticola juncidis)

The Zitting Cisticola, or Streaked Fantail Warbler, is a diminutive bird, measuring a mere 10 to 12 centimeters in length. Its upper parts are adorned with a brown plumage, intricately streaked with black, while its underparts remain a modest whitish hue. The tail is a noteworthy feature, broad and tipped with white, and is frequently flicked—a behavior that has inspired one of the bird's colloquial names.

To identify the Zitting Cisticola, look for its rufous rump and the absence of gold on the collar. The tail, brownish with white tips, is another distinguishing characteristic. Males, during the breeding season, exhibit less crown streaking and more pronounced back markings than females, though differences between sexes are generally subtle.

The Zitting Cisticola favors grasslands as its primary habitat, often found in proximity to bodies of water.

This species boasts a broad range, encompassing southern Europe, Africa (excluding deserts and rainforests), and southern Asia, extending to northern Australia. It is largely sedentary, though certain East Asian populations undertake migrations to warmer climes in winter.

These birds are predominantly insectivorous and may be observed in small flocks. The breeding season is timed with the rains, and in many regions, the Zitting Cisticola is known to produce two broods annually. Males display polygynous tendencies, though monogamous pairings are not uncommon. The male initiates nest construction within the grasses and performs a specialized display to attract females, who then complete the nest.

The male's breeding season is marked by a distinctive flight display, punctuated by a series of "zitting" calls reminiscent of the sound of scissors snipping.

Nests are artfully constructed with living leaves woven into a soft matrix of plant down, cobwebs, and grass. The structure is cup-shaped with an overhead canopy for camouflage. Females lay 3 to 6 eggs and are solely responsible for incubation, which lasts approximately 10 days. Multiple broods may be raised in a single season.

The Zitting Cisticola can be differentiated from the Golden-headed Cisticola (Cisticola exilis) by the absence of a nuchal collar.

Their diet consists primarily of insects, which they forage for within their grassland habitats.

The Zitting Cisticola is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating a stable population without immediate threats to its survival.

Friday, 13 December 2024

14-7-2017 GANDIA, VALENCIA - SPOTTED FLYCATCHER (Muscicapa striata)

The Spotted Flycatcher, Muscicapa striata, is a modestly adorned yet charming small passerine bird belonging to the Old World flycatcher family. It is a migratory species, breeding across Europe and the Palearctic as far as Siberia, and spending the winter months in Africa and southwestern Asia. Despite its widespread presence, there is concern over its decline in certain areas.

Adult Spotted Flycatchers possess grey-brown upperparts and a somewhat pallid underbelly. Their crown and breast are streaked, which is the origin of their common name. They have short, black legs and a black bill shaped to suit their insectivorous diet. Juveniles can be distinguished by their browner plumage and the presence of spots on their upperparts.

These birds favor deciduous woodlands, parks, and gardens, particularly those with open spaces amidst trees.

The Spotted Flycatcher has a broad breeding range, extending from Europe to western Siberia and northwest Africa. During the non-breeding season, they migrate to southern Africa.

With an upright posture, these flycatchers are often seen hunting from prominent perches, darting out to snatch flying insects and frequently returning to the same spot.

The call of the Spotted Flycatcher is a soft, high-pitched, and slightly descending 'tssssseeeeeppppp'.

The Spotted Flycatcher constructs an open nest in a recess, often against a wall, and is amenable to using open-fronted nest boxes. Clutches typically consist of 4-6 eggs. Remarkably, they exhibit excellent egg recognition, a likely evolutionary response to past parasitism by the common cuckoo.

The Mediterranean flycatcher, previously considered a subspecies, is similar in appearance but has been recognized as a separate species due to genetic differences.

As aerial insectivores, Spotted Flycatchers feed on flying insects, which they catch in mid-air from their vantage points.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024


The Great cormorant is a large black bird, but there is a wide variation in size in the species' wide range. Males are typically larger and heavier than females. It has a longish tail and yellow throat patch. Adults have white patches on the thighs and on the throat in the breeding season. In European waters, the Great cormorant can be distinguished from the Common shag by its larger size, heavier build, thicker bill, lack of a crest, and plumage without any green tinge. In eastern North America, it is similarly larger and bulkier than the Double-crested cormorant, and the latter species has more yellow on the throat and bill and lack the white thigh patches frequently seen on great cormorants.

Great cormorants occur throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and northeastern coastal North America. They may be both resident and migratory. Throughout the year in some areas, large groups remain within the breeding range. Greta cormorants frequent open marine environments and inland waters. They inhabit sandy or rocky sheltered coasts and estuaries and are rarely seen any distance from the coast. This species breeds on cliffs and inshore islands, among boulders and man-made structures. Birds that nest inland will breed on trees, bushes, and reedbeds, and even on bare ground.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

10-12-2024 CRE DE LONGA, ALBUFERA - WESTERN CATTLE EGRET (Bubulcus ibis ssp. ibis)

The Cattle Egret, a member of the heron family Ardeidae, is a small white bird recognized for its association with grazing animals. It exhibits a stout build, with a wingspan ranging from 88 to 96 cm, and a body length between 46 to 56 cm. The species is relatively light, weighing between 270 to 512 grams. It is characterized by a short, thick neck, a robust bill, and a somewhat hunched posture.

Outside the breeding season, the adult Cattle Egret has predominantly white plumage, a yellow bill, and greyish-yellow legs. Come breeding time, the western variety develops striking orange-buff plumes on the back, breast, and crown, while the bill, legs, and irises turn a vivid red. The eastern variety differs slightly with buff coloration extending to the cheeks and throat during breeding, and the plumes taking on a more golden hue. Both sexes are similar in appearance, though males are marginally larger with longer breeding plumes.

Cattle Egrets are adaptable birds that exploit a variety of drier and open habitats more than other heron species. Their preferred environments include seasonally inundated grasslands, pastures, farmlands, wetlands, and rice paddies.

Originally native to parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe, the Cattle Egret has seen a significant expansion in its distribution, colonizing much of the rest of the world over the last century. It is now found in the tropics, subtropics, and warm-temperate zones globally.

Cattle Egrets are often seen in the company of cattle or other large mammals, benefiting from the insects and small vertebrates these animals disturb. They are known for their migratory behavior, with some populations moving seasonally, while others disperse post-breeding.

At breeding colonies, the Cattle Egret emits a soft, guttural "rick-rack" call but is generally quiet outside this setting.

Breeding occurs in colonies, often near water and in the company of other wading birds. The nest is a platform of sticks in trees or shrubs. Both parents are involved in nest construction and incubation, which lasts about 23 days. Chicks are born with some down and are dependent on their parents for warmth and food.

The Cattle Egret can be confused with other white egrets, but its shorter neck, more robust build, and behavior around livestock help distinguish it.

The diet is varied, primarily consisting of insects like grasshoppers, crickets, and flies. They also consume spiders, frogs, small reptiles, and occasionally bird eggs and chicks. They are known to forage in fields, often near grazing animals, and have been observed following farm machinery to catch disturbed prey.

The Cattle Egret is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, with an extensive range and a large, stable population. Its successful colonization of new areas has led to it being considered an invasive species in some regions, though it has not yet been noted to have significant negative impacts.

The White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) is a small, elegant passerine bird, a member of the family Motacillidae, which includes pipits and longclaws. This slender bird measures between 16.5 to 19 cm in length, with East Asian subspecies reaching up to 21 cm. It is characterized by its long, constantly wagging tail, a behavior that has become synonymous with the genus. Weighing an average of 25 g, the White Wagtail can live up to 12 years in the wild.

Adult White Wagtails exhibit a distinctive plumage with a combination of grey, black, and white. The bird's upper parts are generally grey, with a white face, belly, and breast. Males during the breeding season may show a darker back, and the species is known for its sharp, brisk call and more melodious song during courtship.

The White Wagtail is commonly found in open country, often in close proximity to human habitation and water sources. It shows a preference for bare areas which facilitate the sighting and pursuit of prey. This bird has adapted well to urban environments, utilizing paved areas such as parking lots for foraging.

This species has a vast breeding range across Europe, the Asian Palearctic, parts of North Africa, and has a presence in Alaska. It is a migratory bird, with populations moving to Africa and parts of Asia during the winter. In Great Britain and Ireland, the darker subspecies known as the Pied Wagtail is more prevalent.

The White Wagtail is known for its perpetual tail wagging, a behavior that remains somewhat enigmatic but is thought to be a signal of vigilance to predators. It is a monogamous bird that defends its breeding territory with determination.

The call of the White Wagtail is a sharp "chisick," softer than that of the Pied Wagtail. Its song is more structured and is used by males to attract females rather than to mark territory.

White Wagtails are monogamous breeders, with both sexes contributing to nest building. The nest is often placed in crevices or holes near water or in human-made structures. The species lays three to eight cream-colored, speckled eggs, which both parents incubate. Chicks fledge after 12 to 15 days and continue to be fed for a week thereafter.

The Pied Wagtail, particularly the subspecies M. a. yarrellii, is similar but has a darker back and is found in Great Britain and Ireland. Other subspecies vary in wing, back, and head coloration.

The diet of the White Wagtail primarily consists of insects and small invertebrates, including beetles, dragonflies, flies, and crustaceans. It continues to feed on insects even in winter, unlike many other insectivorous birds in temperate climates.

The White Wagtail is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN. Its population is large and stable, and the species has adapted well to human-altered landscapes. However, it faces threats from being kept as pets, used for food, and potentially from climate change affecting migration patterns.

10-12-2024 CRU DE LONGA, ALBUFERA - GREAT EGRET (Ardea alba)

The great egret, known scientifically as Ardea alba, is a majestic bird with a stately bearing and an impressive wingspan. This large egret is adorned with all-white plumage and can stand up to a meter tall. It is a cosmopolitan species, found across temperate and tropical regions worldwide.

To identify the great egret, look for its yellow bill and contrasting black legs and feet, which may vary slightly during the breeding season. During this time, the bill may darken, and the lower legs may lighten. The great egret also sports ornamental feathers on its back when in breeding plumage. Both sexes appear identical, and juveniles resemble nonbreeding adults. The great egret can be distinguished from the intermediate egret by the gape of its bill, which extends well beyond the back of the eye.

The great egret favors habitats close to water, such as large lakes with reed beds and other extensive wetlands. It nests in colonies, often at heights of 10 to 40 feet within trees.

This bird has a vast range, occurring worldwide in suitable habitats. It is particularly common across the Sun Belt of the United States and throughout the Neotropics.

The great egret is known for its slow, graceful flight with its neck retracted, a characteristic of herons and bitterns. It walks with its neck extended and wings held close. Generally silent, it may emit a low, hoarse croak when disturbed and a louder croaking at breeding colonies.

The great egret's vocalizations include a low croak when disturbed and various croaking and squawking sounds during the breeding season.

Breeding begins at 2-3 years of age with monogamous pairings. The male initiates nest building to attract a female. The nest is a sizable structure of sticks, lined with plant material. The species lays up to six bluish-green eggs, with both parents sharing incubation duties over 23-26 days. The young are fed by regurgitation and can fly within 6-7 weeks.

The great egret can be confused with the snowy egret, which is smaller with a black bill and yellow feet. In North America, it may also be mistaken for the white morph of the great blue heron, which is larger with a thicker bill.

The great egret's diet consists of fish, frogs, small mammals, reptiles, crustaceans, and insects. It typically forages in shallow water, standing still or slowly stalking its prey before impaling it with its sharp bill.

The great egret is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN. It has recovered from historical threats such as plume hunting and has adapted well to human presence. It is partially migratory, with some populations moving south during colder winters. The species is a symbol of conservation success and represents the National Audubon Society.

10-12-2024 CRE DE LONGA, ALBUFERA - LITTLE EGRET (Egretta garzetta)

The Little egret (Egretta garzetta) is small elegant heron in the family Ardeidae. As an aquatic bird, it feeds in shallow water and on land, consuming a variety of small creatures. At one time common in Western Europe, the Little heron was hunted extensively in the 19th century to provide plumes for the decoration of hats and became locally extinct in Northwestern Europe and scarce in the south. Around 1950, conservation laws were introduced in southern Europe to protect the species and their numbers began to increase.

The plumage of the Little egret is normally entirely white, although there are dark forms with largely bluish-grey plumage. In the breeding season, the adult has two long plumes on the nape that form a crest. These plumes are about 150 mm (6 in) and are pointed and very narrow. There are similar feathers on the breast, but the barbs are more widely spread.


The Eurasian magpie, or common magpie (Pica pica), is a striking bird that graces the northern reaches of the Eurasian continent. It is a member of the crow family, known as corvids, and is part of the "monochrome" magpie group within the Holarctic radiation. The bird is easily recognized by its black and white plumage and long, iridescent tail.

Adult Eurasian magpies measure 44–46 cm in length, with over half of this being the tail. They have a wingspan of 52–62 cm. The head, neck, and breast are glossy black with a metallic sheen of green and violet, while the belly and scapulars are pure white. The wings are black with green or purple gloss, and the primaries have white inner webs. The tail is black with green and reddish-purple gloss. Both sexes have similar plumage, though females are slightly smaller.

The Eurasian magpie favors open countryside with scattered trees, avoiding dense forests and treeless areas. It adapts well to suburban environments, including parks and gardens, and can be found in city centers.

This magpie's range spans temperate Eurasia from the western edges of Portugal and Spain to the eastern limits of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

10-12-2024 SOLLANA, ALBUFERA - EURASIAN KESTREL (FEMALE) (Falco tinnunculus)

The common kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, is a bird of prey from the kestrel group within the falcon family Falconidae. It is also known as the European kestrel, Eurasian kestrel, or Old World kestrel. In the United Kingdom, it is often simply referred to as the "kestrel." This raptor is small compared to other birds of prey but larger than most songbirds, with long wings and a distinctive long tail.

Males and females exhibit sexual dimorphism in their plumage. The male has a blue-grey cap and tail with a black tip bordered by a narrow white rim. Its back is chestnut with black spots, and the underside is buff with black streaks. The female is larger and lacks the blue-grey coloring, having a brown back with black bars and a similar underside to the male. Both sexes have a prominent black malar stripe, bright yellow cere, feet, and eye-ring, with dark toenails, bill, and iris.

The common kestrel favors open habitats such as fields, heaths, shrubland, and marshland. It does not require woodland but needs alternative perching and nesting sites like rocks or buildings. It thrives in treeless steppes and can adapt to human settlements and various landscapes, from wetlands to arid savannas.

This species has a vast range, being widespread in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and occasionally reaching the east coast of North America. It has colonized some oceanic islands, though vagrant individuals are generally rare.

The common kestrel is diurnal and can be sedentary or migratory, depending on the region. It is known for its characteristic hunting behavior, hovering 10-20 meters above the ground before diving steeply onto prey. It is also capable of seeing ultraviolet light, which aids in detecting the urine trails of small mammals.

Breeding occurs in spring or the start of the dry season, with the kestrel preferring cavity nests in cliffs, trees, or buildings. Clutches typically consist of 3-7 eggs, which are incubated by both parents. The young fledge after 4-5 weeks and stay with the family for a short period thereafter.

The common kestrel's diet consists almost exclusively of mouse-sized mammals, such as voles, shrews, and true mice. It may also consume small birds, particularly during the summer when fledglings are abundant. Invertebrates and arthropods can be significant food sources seasonally.

The IUCN lists the common kestrel as Least Concern. Its population has fluctuated but remains generally stable, with an estimated 1-2 million pairs globally. Some subspecies, such as those in the Canary Islands, are rarer and number less than 1000 adult birds. 

The Northern Lapwing, known scientifically as Vanellus vanellus, is a distinctive bird with a notable crest on its head. It measures 28–33 cm in length, with a wingspan of 67–87 cm and a body mass ranging from 128–330 g. The species exhibits sexual dimorphism; males have a pronounced crest and a stark black crown, throat, and breast, which contrasts sharply with their white face. Females and juveniles have shorter crests and less defined head markings, but their overall plumage is similar to that of the males, with a black and white coloration and a greenish tint on the back.

When identifying the Northern Lapwing, look for its rounded wings, short legs, and the characteristic crest that adorns its head. The male's long crest and contrasting black and white facial patterns are particularly striking during the breeding season. In flight, the species can be recognized by its slow wingbeats and the rounded shape of its wings.

The Northern Lapwing is a ground-nesting bird that favors open landscapes such as cultivated fields, grasslands, and wetlands. It is adaptable and can be found in a variety of temperate environments across Eurosiberia.

This bird is a widespread resident throughout temperate regions of Eurosiberia. It is highly migratory, wintering in regions as far south as North Africa and parts of Asia. Western European populations are more sedentary, while vagrants have been known to appear in North America following storms.

The Northern Lapwing is known for its acrobatic display flights, accompanied by a cacophony of calls during the breeding season. It migrates predominantly during the day, often in large flocks. The species is fiercely protective of its nest and young, boldly confronting any potential threats. In winter, it gathers in massive flocks on open land, and it is known to feed nocturnally when the moon is bright.

The Northern Lapwing is quite vocal, especially in the breeding season. Its contact call is a loud "pee-wit," which is also the origin of one of its common names. Males perform a display flight while emitting a wheezy "pee-wit, wit wit, eeze wit," and they may also produce squeaking or mewing sounds.

Breeding takes place on the ground in a simple scrape. The species typically lays 3–4 eggs, which are zealously defended against all intruders. The Northern Lapwing's breeding strategy includes feigning injury to distract predators from its nest.

Its diet consists primarily of insects and other small invertebrates. The Northern Lapwing often feeds in mixed flocks with Golden Plovers and Black-headed Gulls, the latter of which may steal food but also offer some protection against predators.

The Northern Lapwing is currently classified as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List. Its populations have declined due to intensive agricultural practices, habitat loss, and predation. Conservation efforts include habitat restoration and management to support this species' recovery.

Monday, 9 December 2024


The Eurasian chaffinch, or simply the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), presents a striking dichotomy in plumage between the sexes. The male is resplendent with a blue-grey cap and rust-red underparts, while the female's attire is more subdued, though both genders boast two white wing bars and white sides to their tails. The male's robust voice is a herald of spring, as he sings from exposed perches to court a mate.

To identify the male chaffinch, look for the black forehead, blue-grey crown, and rust-red breast, which fades to a pale creamy-pink on the belly. The wings feature a white panel on the coverts and a buff-white bar on the secondaries and inner primaries. Females and juveniles are more muted with grey-brown shades above and paler below, but retain the distinctive wing markings.

Chaffinches favor wooded environments, thriving in areas where the July isotherm ranges from 12 to 30°C. They are adaptable, however, and can be found in a variety of forested landscapes across their range.

This small passerine bird is widespread across Europe and parts of Asia, extending to Siberia. It is also an introduced species in some regions, such as New Zealand and South Africa.

During the breeding season, chaffinches forage in trees for invertebrates, particularly caterpillars, to feed their young. Outside this period, their diet shifts to seeds and plant material found on the ground.

With its large numbers and expansive range, the Eurasian chaffinch is classified as of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. There is no evidence of significant population declines at present.

The chaffinch can be confused with other finches, but its distinctive song, wing bars, and the male's bright plumage set it apart from its relatives.

Chaffinches must be vigilant against a variety of predators, including crows and squirrels, which may prey upon their eggs and nestlings. They are also susceptible to parasites such as the protozoal Trichomonas gallinae and the Fringilla coelebs papillomavirus, which can cause tumors on their feet and legs.


The Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) is a statuesque wading bird belonging to the family Ardeidae. It is a familiar sight in both rural and urban settings, often seen standing stoically along the water's edge. An adult Grey Heron is a large bird, reaching up to 100 cm in height, with a wingspan between 155 to 195 cm. It weighs between 1 to 2 kg. The plumage is predominantly ashy-grey above, with a greyish-white underbelly and some black on the flanks. A striking feature is the white head and neck adorned with a broad black stripe that extends from the eye to the black crest. The beak is pinkish-yellow, long, and sharply pointed, while the legs are a brown hue.

When identifying the Grey Heron, look for the white head with the black supercilium and crest, the long grey neck, and the ashy-grey wings and back. The underparts are lighter, and the legs are long and brown. Juveniles can be distinguished by their duller grey neck and smaller crest. The beak is a useful indicator of age, being brighter in breeding adults.

Grey Herons are highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of watery habitats including lakes, rivers, ponds, marshes, and coastal environments. They require shallow waters for foraging or areas with shelving margins where they can wade.

Native to temperate Europe and Asia, as well as parts of Africa, the Grey Heron has a broad range. Northern populations may migrate southwards in autumn, while others remain resident year-round. Vagrant sightings have occurred in the Caribbean, Bermuda, and parts of North America.

The Grey Heron exhibits a slow, deliberate flight with its neck retracted in an S-shape. It is known for its solitary foraging habits, often standing motionless or stalking prey through shallow waters. It is also a communal rooster, often found in trees or cliffs at night.

Sunday, 8 December 2024


 Spodoptera littoralis, also referred to as the African cotton leafworm or Egyptian cotton leafworm or Mediterranean brocade, is a species of moth in the family Noctuidae. S. littoralis is found widely in Africa, Mediterranean Europe and Middle Eastern countries. It is a highly polyphagous organism that is a pest of many cultivated plants and crops. As a result, this species was assigned the label of A2 quarantine pest by the EPPO and was cautioned as a highly invasive species in the United States. The devastating impacts caused by these pests have led to the development of both biological and chemical control methods. This moth is often confused with Spodoptera litura. 

African cotton leafworm is native to Africa and also resides in most regions of Middle Eastern countries such as Israel, Syria and Turkey. Specifically, the species' native habitat is F5 (EUNIS code), which is semi-arid and subtropical habitats in pre-saharan Africa. This species has also been found in Southern and Mediterranean Europe, mainly in Spain, France, Italy and Greece.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

7-12-2024 MONTE CORONA, VALENCIA - CANDELABRA ALOE (Aloe arborescens)

Aloe arborescens, the krantz aloe or candelabra aloe, is a species of flowering succulent perennial plant that belongs to the genus Aloe, which it shares with the well known and studied Aloe vera. The specific epithet arborescens means "tree-like". Aloe arborescens is valued by gardeners for its succulent green leaves, large vibrantly-colored flowers, winter blooming, and attraction for birds, bees, and butterflies.

Aloe arborescens is a large, multi-headed, sprawling succulent, and its specific name indicates that it sometimes reaches tree size. A typical height for this species is 2–3 metres (6.6–9.8 ft) high. Its leaves are succulent and are green with a slight blue tint. Its leaves have small spikes along its edges and are arranged in rosettes situated at the end of branches. Flowers are arranged in a type of inflorescence called a raceme. The racemes are not branched but two to several can sprout from each rosette. Flowers are cylindrical in shape and are a vibrant red-orange color.

Taxonomically, it forms part of the Arborescentes series of very closely related Aloe species, together with Aloe pluridens and Aloe mutabilis.

Aloe arborescens is endemic to the south eastern part of Southern Africa. Specifically, this range includes the countries of South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. It has the third largest distribution amongst the aloe genus. Although Aloe arborescens has adapted to many different habitats, its natural habitat usually consists of mountainous areas, including rocky outcrops and exposed ridges. Its common name krantz aloe refers to the Afrikaans word "krans" (spelling possibly influenced by German "Kranz"), which means a rocky cliff. Its habitat can vary, and it is one of only a few species of aloe that is found growing from sea level up to the tops of mountains.

It is also widely distributed (to the point of becoming naturalized) in the western Mediterranean, Australia, California, Japan, South Korea and the Marshall Islands. It is an invasive species in Portugal.

Aloe arborescens is valued by gardeners for its succulent green leaves, large vibrantly-colored flowers, and winter blooming. The sweet nectar attracts birds, butterflies, and bees. With a minimum temperature of 10 °C (50 °F), in temperate regions it is grown under glass. The cultivar A. arborescens 'Variegata' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. In Southern Africa, Aloe arborescens is traditionally planted around kraals (domestic stock enclosures) as a living fence or security hedge. It often happens that the position of old kraals can still be seen many years after they have been abandoned, because the aloes persist. It is easily propagated by cuttings.