Thursday, 30 January 2025

30-1-2025 LA GOULETTE, TUNISIA - BLACK HEADED GULL (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)

The black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) is a small, nimble gull with a wingspan ranging from 94 to 110 cm and a body length of 37 to 44 cm. It weighs between 190 and 400 grams. Despite its name, the adult's summer plumage features a chocolate-brown head, which can appear black from a distance. The body is pale grey, and the primary wing feathers are tipped with black. The bill and legs are a striking red. In winter, the brown head is replaced by a white one with dark spots. Juveniles are mottled with brown spots and have a black band on the tail. There is no sexual dimorphism in plumage.

This species nests in colonies on the ground in large reed beds, marshes, or islands within lakes. It is not pelagic and is seldom seen far from coasts.

The black-headed gull breeds across much of the Palearctic, including Europe and coastal eastern Canada. It is migratory, wintering further south, but some remain in the milder westernmost areas of Europe. It is also present in northeastern North America and occasionally seen as far south as Virginia and some Caribbean islands.