Sunday, 10 January 2016

6-1-2016 HONG KONG - BALI MYNA (Leucopsar rothschildi)

The Bali myna (Leucopsar rothschildi ), also known as Rothschild's mynah, Bali starling, or Bali mynah, locally known as jalak Bali, is a medium-sized (up to 25 cm (9.8 in) long), stocky myna, almost wholly white with a long, drooping crest, and black tips on the wings and tail. The bird has blue bare skin around the eyes, greyish legs and a yellow bill. Both sexes are similar. It is critically endangered and in 2018, fewer than 100 adults were assumed to exist in the wild.

The Bali myna is a beautiful almost wholly white bird with a long, drooping crest, and black tips on the wings and tail. The bird has blue bare skin around the eyes, greyish legs, and a yellow bill. Both males and females are similar in appearance. The Bali myna is one of the rarest birds in the world. It is critically endangered and fewer than 50 adults are assumed to currently exist in the wild.

Bali mynas are native to the island of Bali (and its offshore islands) in Indonesia. They inhabit dry forest, shrubland, tree and palm savanna, and flooded savanna woodland. In the past, they also inhabited coconut groves near villages.

Bali mynas are diurnal but very secretive birds. In their natural habitat, they are inconspicuous. They use treetops for cover and usually come to the ground only to drink or to find nesting materials; this would seem to be an adaptation to their noticeability to predators when out in the open. Bali mynas often gather in groups when they are young to better locate food and watch out for predators. At night, they roost communally in small groups of up to 6 birds. These birds communicate with a variety of sharp chattering calls and an emphatic twat. When alarmed, they utter tschick, tschick, tschick.

Bali mynas are monogamous and form long-term pair bonds. The birds breed during the rainy season and at this time males attract females by calling loudly and bobbing up and down. Pairs nest in tree cavities lined with leaves and feathers. The female lays and incubates 2-3 eggs during the 12-15 days. The chicks are altricial; they are born helpless, naked, and blind. Both parents bring food to the nest for their chicks. The young usually fledge between 15 and 24 days, but still, depend on parents for food for a few weeks more. Reproductive maturity is usually reached at one year of age.

Bali mynas are critically endangered, and the wild population has been close to extinction since at least 1994. The main threat to these beautiful birds is poaching for the caged bird market. Trade even in captive-bred specimens is strictly regulated and birds are not generally available legally to private individuals. However, experienced aviculturists may become affiliated with captive-breeding programs, allowing them to legally keep mynas. The number of captive birds bought on the black market is estimated to be twice the number of legally acquired individuals in the captive breeding programs. Other important threats include habitat destruction, diseases, and natural predation.

According to the IUCN Red List, the total Bali myna population size is fewer than 50 mature individuals. Currently, this species is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) on the IUCN Red List and its numbers today are decreasing. 

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